Elastic Stack, formerly known as the ELK Stack, is a popular suite of tools that provides advanced logging, storing, searching and visualization functionality to data of many types from any source. Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and newcomer Beats work together to make up the core products of Elastic Stack. Elasticsearch handles search and storage of data, Logstash is the pipeline for retrieving data to send to Elasticsearch, and Kibana provides the web browser user interface used to visualize and query this data. Elastic Stack is available as a free, open source local download, but it also provides a paid-for cloud solution. We will be working with the open source version.
This deployment guide is two-fold. As well as providing a detailed introduction into Elastic, it contains deployment guides for integrating both BloxOne Threat Defense data and NIOS dnstap logging data.
Drastically enhance the ability to analyze your network by integrating Elastic Stack’s powerful data exploration tools with Infoblox’s extensive security and query/response data.