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Use the Add network workflow to create a new network on a NIOS appliance. In the workflow, you can use a network template or specify the DHCP options (routers, DNS suffixes, DNS servers, DNS search suffixes, and WINS), assign Grid members for the network, and assign extensible attributes to the created network.

To add a network:

  1. Log in to the vCenter Orchestrator client.
  2. In the Dashboard panel, expand Library and click Workflows.
    The Workflows folder and its contents are displayed.
  3. Expand Library > Infoblox, and select Add network.
  4. Click Run in the top-level menu of the workflow panel.
  5. On the Connection tab, click Connection to the IPAM server and select the IPAM connection as follows:
    1. In the Select InfobloxIPAM:IPAMConnection dialog, expand Infoblox IPAM and select the IPAM connection.
    2. Click Select.
  6. Optionally, on the Template tab, select Use a network template and specify the Name of IPv4 or IPv6 network template to use.
    For information about NIOS network templates, see the Managing DHCP Templates chapter in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.
  7. On the Network tab, specify the network parameters:
    • IPv4 or IPv6 network address: an IPv4 or IPv6 address to use for the network.
    • CIDR of the network range: 24 as the CIDR. Enter only numbers and do not use a forward slash (/).
    • Network view, in which the network will be created: To use the default network view set up in NIOS, choose default from the drop-down list.
  8. On the Number of attributes tab, to assign extensible attributes to the network:

    1. In the Number of specified extensible attributes drop-down list, choose the number of extensible attributes.
      According to the number you specified, additional tabs are added to define the extensible attributes. For example, if you specify 2, then the Extensible attribute #1 and Extensible attribute #2 tabs are added.

    2. On each Extensible attribute #<n> tab define the extensible attributes you want to add to the network object:

      1. Click Definition of the extensible attribute #<n>.

      2. In the Select Infoblox IPAM:IPAM Extensible Attribute Definition window, expand the IPAM connection ID > Extensible Attributes, and select the extensible attributes.

      3. Click the Select button.

      4. In the Value of the extensible attribute #<n> field, specify a value.

  9. (Optional) On the DHCP options tab, select Assign DHCP options and define the DHCP options in the additional fields that are displayed.
  10. On the Restart DHCP service tab, select Perform restart of DHCP service if needed.

  11. Click Run.

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