Installing the Infoblox 4000 Series Appliance

Installing the Infoblox 4000 Series Appliance

Refer to the following sections to rack mount appliances in the Infoblox 4000 Series, connect them to a power source, and cable them to a network. Before proceeding, review the Infoblox Safety Guide and follow the necessary precautions.

Note: Ensure that you install the appliance in an environment that allows open air to the front and back of the appliance. Do not obstruct the appliance or block air flow going from the front to the back of the appliance.

Infoblox 4000 Series appliances are installed in a four-post seismic rack.
Infoblox 4000 Series appliances ship with an adjustable sliding four-post rack-mounting accessory kit that contains mounting hardware. To mount the appliance to a four-post seismic rack, you also need the following:

  • M5 rack screws that fit the seismic rack (bundled with the accessory kit)
  • Round-hole M5 cage nuts for use with the seismic rack (bundled with the accessory kit)
  • A Phillips-head #2 screwdriver