Standard Error Codes
Standard Error Codes
The following error codes are used in the error response format throughout the application when a 4xx status is returned. Individual API calls may also add their own payloads to these responses.
general/cannot-process-request | A generic error response; the message should detail the specific meaning. This is used when no reasonable special handling by the client is possible. |
general/validation-failed | The inputs provided in the request do not meet the criteria for this API call. |
general/resource-in-use | The requested shared resource is not available at this time; the request should be tried again in a few minutes. |
security/access-denied | The requestor is currently authenticated but does not have sufficient privileges to access the specified resource. |
security/authentication-required | The requestor is not currently authenticated and must authenticate and retry the request. |
Additional Payloads by Error Code
: Currently, this is the only error type that will have any difference in JSON and ExtJS versions.
JSON | ExtJS | XML | |
Format | { "error": "general/validation -failed", "message": "<error message>", "fields": { <hash of field name, array of failure messages> } } | { "success": false, "messages": [ <array of strings> ] } | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <error>error code</error> <message>error message</message> </response> |
Example | { "error": "general/validation -failed", "message": "The policy could not be created.", "fields": { short_name: ['is already taken', ‘must be 12 or fewer characters’], name: 'is too long'} } | { "success": false, "messages": ['Short name is already taken','Name is too long'] } | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <error>general/validati on-failed</error> <message>The policy could not be created.</message> <fields type="hash"> <short_name type="array"> <item>is already taken</item> <item>must be 12 or fewer characters</item> </short_name> <name type="array"> <item>is too long</item> </name> </fields> </response> |
General/resource-in-use: The additional payload is optional for this error type; it will be included when available.
JSON | XML | |
Format | { "error": "general/resource-in-use" , "message": "<error message>", "model": "<model name>", "id": <id value>, "retry": <seconds> } | ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <error>general/resource-in-use</error> <message>error message</message> <model>model name</model> <id>id value</id> <retry>seconds</retry> </response> |
Example | { "error": "general/resource-in-use" , "message": "A job is already running against this device." "model": "device", "id": 53534634, "retry": 60 } | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <error>general/resource-in-use</error> <message>A job is already running against this device.</message> <model>device</model> <id>53534634</id> <retry>60</retry> </response> |
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