Using Variables in Python
1. Declaring Variables
In Python, you simply assign a value to a variable using the equals ( = ) sign.
a = 5 # Integer
b = 3.14 # Float
c = 'Hello' # String
d = True # Boolean
2. Naming Conventions
Variable names should start with a letter (a-z, A-Z) or an underscore ( _ ).
Subsequent characters can include letters, digits (0-9), and underscores.
Variable names are case-sensitive (
are different variables).my_variable = 10 _myVariable = 20 variable3 = 30
3. Using Variables
You can use variables in various operations and expressions.
# Arithmetic operations
x = 10
y = 20
sum = x + y # Addition
difference = x - y # Subtraction
product = x * y # Multiplication
quotient = x / y # Division
# Using variables in strings
name = "Alice"
greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!"
4. Updating Variables
Variables can be updated by reassigning them new values.
counter = 1
counter = counter + 1 # Incrementing
counter += 1 # Equivalent to counter = counter + 1
5. Data Types and Type Conversion
Python variables can hold different types of data, and you can convert between types.
# Integer to string
age = 25
age_str = str(age)
# String to integer
age_str = "25"
age = int(age_str)
# Float to integer
pi = 3.14
pi_int = int(pi)
# Boolean to integer
is_active = True
is_active_int = int(is_active)
6. Working with Lists and Dictionaries
Variables can also store collections like lists and dictionaries.
# Lists
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
print(fruits[0]) # Accessing the first element
# Dictionaries
person = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}
print(person['name']) # Accessing the value associated with the key 'name'
7. Variable Scope
Variables have different scopes depending on where they are declared. There are local and global variables.
# Global variable
x = 5
def example_function():
# Local variable
y = 10
print(x) # Accessing global variable
print(y) # Accessing local variable
print(x) # Global variable can be accessed outside the function
# print(y) # This would raise an error as y is local to the function
8. Best Practices
Use meaningful variable names for better code readability.
Follow the Python style guide (PEP 8) for naming conventions (e.g.,
for variable names).# Good practice total_price = 150 # Avoid using single letters unless in short blocks or loops t = 150 # Not recommended
Example Script
Here’s a simple example script that uses variables:
# Example Python script using variables
# Declare variables
name = "Alice"
age = 25
height = 5.6
# Print variables
print("Name:", name)
print("Age:", age)
print("Height:", height)
# Update variables
age += 1
height += 0.1
# Print updated variables
print("Updated Age:", age)
print("Updated Height:", height)
# Using variables in expressions
years_until_30 = 30 - age
print(name, "will be 30 in", years_until_30, "years.")