Total DHCP Lease Operations
Total DHCP Lease Operations
Administrators can use this report to see the DHCP lease history for each NIOS-X Server. The protocol (IPv4 or IPv6), lease state, leased IP address, client MAC address, and valid time are shown. The data is presented over a defined time period.
- To filter the report by DHCP server or duration, choose the applicable objects from the Show drop-down menus located below the top action menu:
- DHCP Server: Select All DHCP Servers, or one or more specific DHCP servers to view the respective data.
- Duration: Select the time period.
- To show the parameter in the graph, select the check box. To hide the parameter in the graph, clear the check box.
- To filter the report by fields, click the filter button, , and choose the field. To save a filter after selecting the required parameters click the save button, , specify a name for the filter, and click Save & Close. To reload a previously saved filter, click the star button, , and select the required filter.
- To search for a particular entry, enter the keyword in the Search field.
- To export the report in CSV format, click Export.
The following fields are shown in the table:
- DHCP SERVER NAME: Shows the name of the DHCP server.
- DHCP SERVER IP ADDRESS: Shows the IP addresses.
- PROTOCOL: Shows the protocol whether IPv4.
- STATE: Shows the state of the lease whether Deletions, Assignments, or Conflicts.
- LEASE IP ADDRESS: Shows the IP address for the lease.
- MAC/DUID: Shows the MAC address or DUID.
- DHCP CLIENT NAME: Shows the name of the DHCP client.
- LEASE START: Shows the start date and time of the lease.
- LEASE END: Shows the end date and time of the lease.
- FINGERPRINT: Shows the DHCP fingerprint for this lease.
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