Creating a CNAME Record

Creating a CNAME Record

A CNAME record maps an ALIAS to a canonical name. You can use CNAME records in both forward and IPv4 reverse-mapping zones to serve two different purposes. Note that at this time, you cannot use CNAME records with IPv6 reverse-mapping zones.

To create a CNAME Record, complete the following:

  1. From the Infoblox Portal, click Configure > Networking > DNS > Zones.
  2. Click the DNS view.
  3. Click the zone.
  4. Click Create > Record and select CNAME Record from the drop-down list.

 On the Create CNAME Record page, specify the following and click Save & Close:

  • Alias: Enter an alias for the record. 
  • Select Zone: Select an associated zone from the column selector.
  • Canonical Name: Enter the canonical name for the CNAME Record. 
  • Description: Enter a descriptive comment about the CNAME Record.
  • TTL: Enter a numeric value and select Hours, Minutes, or Seconds from the drop-down.
  • Disable for DNS Protocol: Click this check box to temporarily disable for DNS Protocol.
  • Tags: Click Add to associate keys with values. Specify the following details:
    • KEY: Enter a meaningful name for the key, such as a location or a department. 
    • VALUE: Enter a value for the key such as San Jose (for location), or Accounts (for department).  
    • To remove a tag, select the respective check box and click Remove to delete the associated tag. For more information about tags, see Managing Tags.

Record data fields that are domain names (such as "Canonical Name" of CNAME or "Domain Name" of PTR) can be either relative (to the zone name) or absolute. The value of those fields must therefore be explicitly ended with a period if they are intended to be absolute. Otherwise, the zone name will be appended to the user-supplied name to be absolute.

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