

Universal DDI provides the capability to save log files to a local syslog server. The syslog server must be deployed on your local network. You need the IP address and port required to add it on the Infoblox Portal. You can only add one syslog server for local logging.

To configure logging for DNS, complete the following:

  1. From the Infoblox Portal, click Configure > Networking > DNS, and click Global DNS Configuration. 

  2. On the Global DNS Configuration page, click Local Logging and configure the following settings:

    • 30 Day Active Search: Choose this option to log active global search for a period of 30 days.

    • Log Export: This option is selected by default and cannot be modified unless your license entitlement includes this feature. For more information, see Exporting Logs.

    • Data Connector: This option is selected by default and cannot be modified unless your license entitlement includes this feature. For more information, see Data Connector

    • Local Syslog: Choose this option to send the logs to a local syslog server. You must add a syslog server. To add a syslog server, click add and configure the following:

      • Address: Specify the IP address or FQDN of the syslog server.

      • Protocol: This field cannot be modified. Only the UDP protocol is supported.

      • Port: Specify the port on the syslog server.

  3. Click Save & Close.

Only the UDP protocol is supported for logging to a syslog server. You can only configure one syslog server for local logging. 

If a physical or virtual server has multiple interfaces configured, syslog traffic will always be sent through the MGMT/WAN interface on the host. You cannot modify this interface.

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