Additional Components

Additional Components

Universal DDI provides additional components to enhance your network configuration. 

Setting Up NIOS Grid Connector

If you are using NIOS, configure the NIOS Grid Connector. NIOS Grid Connector provides a unified view of both on-premise NIOS Grid deployments and cloud-managed BloxOne DDI deployments. For more information, see Configuring NIOS Grid Connector.

Configuring Anycast 

Enable Anycast on Universal DDI. Anycast is a one-to-nearest network communication, where the sender (client) is directed to the nearest recipient (server). if DNS anycast has been set up on multiple servers, a DNS client that tries to connect to the DNS server IP address is routed to the nearest instance, providing both a performance boost and redundancy to the DNS service. DNS must be enabled for Anycast to work. To configure Anycast, see Anycast Addressing.

Configuring Data Connector 

The Infoblox Data Connector is a utility designed to collect DNS query and response data, and security logs from specified sources. If you want to send your DNS/DHCP to SIEMs, see Data Connector

Configuring Notifications 

The Infoblox Portal displays notifications for specific events, such as license expiration or CPU usage. To configure notifications, see Notifications.

Configuring DDNS Updates

Before configuring DDNS updates, see Guidelines for DDNS Updates to know how Universal DDI processes DDNS updates. 

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