Generating and Exporting the Keytab File

Generating and Exporting the Keytab File

You can use the Ktpass tool to generate and export the keytab file for the Kerberos account. Note that the version of the Ktpass tool that you use must match the Windows version of the domain controller. For example, if you are using a domain controller running Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019, you must use the Ktpass tool for the particular version. You enter different commands for generating and exporting the keytab file, depending on whether you are generating the keytab file from a server running Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019. A Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019 allows you to generate a keytab file with multiple keys for one principal. This is useful when the KDC has principals with multiple encryption types. Universal DDI can send and receive DDNS updates using GSS-TSIG.

The keytab file contains highly sensitive data for your Universal DDI account. Ensure that you store and transport its contents securely.

Infoblox strongly recommends the following encryption types for compatibility purposes:

Microsoft Windows Server

Export keytab

Microsoft Windows 2008 and higher

Specify /crypto AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 as the export keytab.

  • RC4 is set by default for Windows 2008 servers, but is less secure than AES.
  • Infoblox recommends that you do not use DES, but it is supported if you need it for compatibility with non-Windows systems.

Generating the Keytab on Windows Server 2012 R2

To generate the keytab file using the Ktpass tool:

  1. Start a command prompt.
  2. Enter the following command to generate the keytab file for the Universal DDI user account:

    ktpass -princ exampleuser@REALM -mapuser logon_name@REALM 
    -pass password -out my.tab -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto encryption
    ktpass -princ DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL -mapuser jsmith@GSS.LOCAL -pass
    37Le37 -out ns1.keytab -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto RC4-HMAC-NT

    -princ = Kerberos principal. Note that this parameter is case-sensitive. Specifies the principal name for the NIOS-X Server or service in this format: DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL

  • DNS = Service name in uppercase format.
  • ns1.example.com = Instance in FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) format; this is the same as the DNS name of the NIOS-X Server.
  • GSS.LOCAL = The Kerberos realm in uppercase format. This must be the same as the AD domain name.

-mapuser = Maps the Kerberos principal name to the AD user account. If you omit the account name, mapping is deleted from the specified principal. You can use ksetup without any parameters or arguments to see the current mapped settings and the default realm. Example: ksetup /mapuser <Principal> <Account>. 

  • jsmith = The AD user name for Universal DDI user account.
  • GSS.LOCAL = The Kerberos realm in uppercase. The realm (or domain name) must be the same as that specified in the -princ option.

-pass = The AD user account password. The Ktpass command changes the account password to the specified value, thus incrementing the version number of the user account and the resulting keytab file.

  • 37Le37 = The password of the user account for Universal DDI.

-out = The name of the keytab file that is generated.

  • ns1.ktb = The name of the keytab file

-ptype = Sets the principal type. This must be krb5_nt_principal.
-crypto = Specifies the encryption type. You can specify the following encryption types:

  • DES-CBC-CRC = Specifies DES encryption for the account. This encryption type is used for compatibility.
  • DES-CBC-MD5 = Specifies DES encryption for the account. This encryption type adheres to the MIT implementation and is used for compatibility.
  • RC4-HMAC-NT = Specifies 128-bit RC4-HMAC encryption for the account. This is enabled by default.
  • AES256-SHA1 = Specifies 256-bit AES encryption for the account.
  • AES128-SHA1 = Specifies 128-bit AES encryption for the account.
  • ALL = Specifies all of the above encryption types. Do not use this option if DES support is disabled.

After you execute the command to generate the keytab file, the AD domain controller displays a series of messages similar to the following to confirm that it successfully generated the keytab file:

Targeting domain controller: qacert.test.local

Using legacy password setting method

Successfully mapped DNS/ns1.example.com to ns1.

Key created.

Output keytab to ns1.keytab: Keytab version: 0x502

keysize 80 DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL ptype 1 (KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL) vno 3 etype 0x12 (AES256-SHA1)

keylength 32 (0xea8675d7abf13fd760a744088642fb917ceb6c9d267f5c54e595597846f06407)

Generating the Keytab on Windows Server 2016 and Windows Servers 2019

To generate the keytab file using the Ktpass tool:

  1. Start a command prompt.
  2. Enter the following command to generate the keytab file for Universal DDI user account:

ktpass -princ exampleuser@REALM -mapuser logon_name@REALM -pass password -out my.tab -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto encryption
ktpass -princ DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL -mapuser jsmith@GSS.LOCAL -pass 37Le37 -out ns1.keytab -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto RC4-HMAC-NT
-princ = Kerberos principal. Note that this parameter is case-sensitive. Specifies the principal name for the NIOS-X Server or service in this format: DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL

    • DNS = This is an example of the service name in uppercase format.
    • ns1.example.com = This is an example of the instance in FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) format; this is the same as the DNS name of the NIOS-X Server.
    • GSS.LOCAL = This is an example of the Kerberos realm in uppercase format. This must be the same as the AD domain name.

-mapuser = Maps the Kerberos principal name to the AD user account. If you omit the account name, mapping is deleted from the specified principal. You can use ksetup without any parameters or arguments to see the current settings and the default realm. Example: ksetup /mapuser <Principal> <Account>

    • jsmith = This is an example of the AD user name for Universal DDI user account.
    • GSS.LOCAL = This is an example of the Kerberos realm in uppercase. The realm (or domain name) must be the same as that specified in the -princ option.

-pass = The AD user account password. The Ktpass command changes the account password to the specified value, thus incrementing the version number of the user account and the resulting keytab file.

    • 37Le37 = This is an example of the password of the user account for Universal DDI.

-out = The name of the keytab file that is generated.

    • ns1.ktb = This is an example of the name of the keytab file.

-ptype = Sets the principal type. This must be krb5_nt_principal.
-crypto = Specifies the encryption type. You can specify the following encryption types:

    • DES-CBC-CRC = Specifies DES encryption for the account. This encryption type is used for compatibility purposes.
    • DES-CBC-MD5 = Specifies DES encryption for the account. This encryption type adheres to the MIT implementation and is used for compatibility purposes.
    • RC4-HMAC-NT = Specifies 128-bit RC4-HMAC encryption for the account. This is enabled by default.
    • AES256-SHA1 = Specifies 256-bit AES encryption for the account.
    • AES128-SHA1 = Specifies 128-bit AES encryption for the account.
    • ALL = Specifies all of the above encryption types. Do not use this option if DES support is disabled.

After you execute the command to generate the keytab file, the Active Directory domain controller displays a series of messages similar to the following to confirm that it successfully generated the keytab file:

Targeting domain controller: qacert.test.local

Using legacy password setting method

Successfully mapped DNS/ns1.example.com to ns1.

Key created.

Output keytab to ns1.keytab:

Keytab version: 0x502

keysize 80 DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL ptype 1 (KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL) vno 3 etype 0x12 (AES256-SHA1)

keylength 32 (0xea8675d7abf13fd760a744088642fb917ceb6c9d267f5c54e595597846f06407)

You can use the Ktpass tool to generate and export the keytab file for the Kerberos account. Note that the version of the Ktpass tool that you use must match the Windows version of the domain controller. For example, if you are using a domain controller running Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019, you must use the Ktpass tool for the particular version. You enter different commands for generating and exporting the keytab file, depending on whether you are generating the keytab file from a server running Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019. A Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019 allows you to generate a keytab file with multiple keys for one principal. This is useful when the KDC has principals with multiple encryption types. Universal DDI can send and receive DDNS updates using GSS-TSIG.

The keytab file contains highly sensitive data for your Universal DDI account. Ensure that you store and transport its contents securely.

Infoblox strongly recommends the following encryption types for compatibility purposes:

Microsoft Windows Server

Export keytab

Microsoft Windows 2008 and higher

Specify /crypto AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 as the export keytab.

  • RC4 is set by default for Windows 2008 servers, but is less secure than AES.
  • Infoblox recommends that you do not use DES, but it is supported if you need it for compatibility with non-Windows systems.

Generating the Keytab on Windows Server 2012 R2

To generate the keytab file using the Ktpass tool:

  1. Start a command prompt.
  2. Enter the following command to generate the keytab file for the Universal DDI user account:

    ktpass -princ exampleuser@REALM -mapuser logon_name@REALM 
    -pass password -out my.tab -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto encryption
    ktpass -princ DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL -mapuser jsmith@GSS.LOCAL -pass
    37Le37 -out ns1.keytab -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto RC4-HMAC-NT

    -princ = Kerberos principal. Note that this parameter is case-sensitive. Specifies the principal name for the NIOS-X Server or service in this format: DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL

  • DNS = Service name in uppercase format.
  • ns1.example.com = Instance in FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) format; this is the same as the DNS name of the NIOS-X Server.
  • GSS.LOCAL = The Kerberos realm in uppercase format. This must be the same as the AD domain name.

-mapuser = Maps the Kerberos principal name to the AD user account. If you omit the account name, mapping is deleted from the specified principal. You can use ksetup without any parameters or arguments to see the current mapped settings and the default realm. Example: ksetup /mapuser <Principal> <Account>. 

  • jsmith = The AD user name for Universal DDI user account.
  • GSS.LOCAL = The Kerberos realm in uppercase. The realm (or domain name) must be the same as that specified in the -princ option.

-pass = The AD user account password. The Ktpass command changes the account password to the specified value, thus incrementing the version number of the user account and the resulting keytab file.

  • 37Le37 = The password of the user account for Universal DDI.

-out = The name of the keytab file that is generated.

  • ns1.ktb = The name of the keytab file

-ptype = Sets the principal type. This must be krb5_nt_principal.
-crypto = Specifies the encryption type. You can specify the following encryption types:

  • DES-CBC-CRC = Specifies DES encryption for the account. This encryption type is used for compatibility.
  • DES-CBC-MD5 = Specifies DES encryption for the account. This encryption type adheres to the MIT implementation and is used for compatibility.
  • RC4-HMAC-NT = Specifies 128-bit RC4-HMAC encryption for the account. This is enabled by default.
  • AES256-SHA1 = Specifies 256-bit AES encryption for the account.
  • AES128-SHA1 = Specifies 128-bit AES encryption for the account.
  • ALL = Specifies all of the above encryption types. Do not use this option if DES support is disabled.

After you execute the command to generate the keytab file, the AD domain controller displays a series of messages similar to the following to confirm that it successfully generated the keytab file:

Targeting domain controller: qacert.test.local

Using legacy password setting method

Successfully mapped DNS/ns1.example.com to ns1.

Key created.

Output keytab to ns1.keytab: Keytab version: 0x502

keysize 80 DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL ptype 1 (KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL) vno 3 etype 0x12 (AES256-SHA1)

keylength 32 (0xea8675d7abf13fd760a744088642fb917ceb6c9d267f5c54e595597846f06407)

Generating the Keytab on Windows Server 2016 and Windows Servers 2019

To generate the keytab file using the Ktpass tool:

  1. Start a command prompt.
  2. Enter the following command to generate the keytab file for Universal DDI user account:

ktpass -princ exampleuser@REALM -mapuser logon_name@REALM -pass password -out my.tab -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto encryption
ktpass -princ DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL -mapuser jsmith@GSS.LOCAL -pass 37Le37 -out ns1.keytab -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto RC4-HMAC-NT
-princ = Kerberos principal. Note that this parameter is case-sensitive. Specifies the principal name for the NIOS-X Server or service in this format: DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL

    • DNS = This is an example of the service name in uppercase format.
    • ns1.example.com = This is an example of the instance in FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) format; this is the same as the DNS name of the NIOS-X Server.
    • GSS.LOCAL = This is an example of the Kerberos realm in uppercase format. This must be the same as the AD domain name.

-mapuser = Maps the Kerberos principal name to the AD user account. If you omit the account name, mapping is deleted from the specified principal. You can use ksetup without any parameters or arguments to see the current settings and the default realm. Example: ksetup /mapuser <Principal> <Account>

    • jsmith = This is an example of the AD user name for Universal DDI user account.
    • GSS.LOCAL = This is an example of the Kerberos realm in uppercase. The realm (or domain name) must be the same as that specified in the -princ option.

-pass = The AD user account password. The Ktpass command changes the account password to the specified value, thus incrementing the version number of the user account and the resulting keytab file.

    • 37Le37 = This is an example of the password of the user account for Universal DDI.

-out = The name of the keytab file that is generated.

    • ns1.ktb = This is an example of the name of the keytab file.

-ptype = Sets the principal type. This must be krb5_nt_principal.
-crypto = Specifies the encryption type. You can specify the following encryption types:

    • DES-CBC-CRC = Specifies DES encryption for the account. This encryption type is used for compatibility purposes.
    • DES-CBC-MD5 = Specifies DES encryption for the account. This encryption type adheres to the MIT implementation and is used for compatibility purposes.
    • RC4-HMAC-NT = Specifies 128-bit RC4-HMAC encryption for the account. This is enabled by default.
    • AES256-SHA1 = Specifies 256-bit AES encryption for the account.
    • AES128-SHA1 = Specifies 128-bit AES encryption for the account.
    • ALL = Specifies all of the above encryption types. Do not use this option if DES support is disabled.

After you execute the command to generate the keytab file, the Active Directory domain controller displays a series of messages similar to the following to confirm that it successfully generated the keytab file:

Targeting domain controller: qacert.test.local

Using legacy password setting method

Successfully mapped DNS/ns1.example.com to ns1.

Key created.

Output keytab to ns1.keytab:

Keytab version: 0x502

keysize 80 DNS/ns1.example.com@GSS.LOCAL ptype 1 (KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL) vno 3 etype 0x12 (AES256-SHA1)

keylength 32 (0xea8675d7abf13fd760a744088642fb917ceb6c9d267f5c54e595597846f06407)

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