Viewing details of the Third Party DNS provider
To review the details of a third-party DNS provider, do the following:
1. Go to Manage > DNS > Third-party DNS Providers.
2. Click ☰ and choose General Information.
3. Review the information:
General Information: The details of the third-party DNS provider created.
Name of the provider: The name of the third-party DNS provider.
Status: Synced, Error, Disabled, Pending, or In Progress.
Type of Access (Credentials): The credentials used for the provider.
Type of Access (Principal ID): The Principal ID of the provider.
Destination DNS View: The DNS view to which the objects are synced in Universal DDI.
Sync Interval: The sync interval.
View All Tags: The tags associated with the provider.
Sub Accounts: The status of the discovered sub-accounts.
Name: The name of the third-party provider for sub-accounts. For R53, it will be suffixed with the AWS account ID.
AWS Account: The AWS account ID.
Sync Status:
Not Authorized: The AWS account is not authorized to be discovered.
Excluded: The user excluded the AWS account.
Pending: The sync is pending.
In Progress: The sync is in progress.
Success: The sync was successful.
Error: There was an error during the sync.
Message: The status message from the last sync.
Last Sync: The date and time of the last sync. The timestamp will not be shown for providers with status Excluded or Not Authorized.