Editing DTC Policy - General

Editing DTC Policy - General

Configure the following in the General pane:

  • State: Choose whether the policy is Enabled or Disabled. By default, it is Enabled.

  • Name: Specify a name for the policy.

  • Description: Provide a description for the policy.

  • Load balancing type: Choose one of the following:

    • Global Availability: Directs clients to the first available pool and server.

    • Ratio: Requests to pools and servers are distributed according to their assigned weightage.

    • Round Robin: Available pools and servers are chosen sequentially in the configured order. Weights are ignored.

    • Topology: Applies a predefined geographic mapping method.

  • TTL: The TTL settings are inherited from the parent. For example, a pool is a parent for the policy. TTL settings are inherited from the pool. To specify different TTL settings, toggle Override and specify the TTL in Days, Hours, Minutes, Second, or Weeks.

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