Viewing Discovered IPAM Resources

Viewing Discovered IPAM Resources

Once the assets are synced with the Infoblox Portal, you can view the discovered IPAM resources.

To view IPAM resources, do the following:

  1. Go to Configure > Networking > IPAM/DHCP.

  2. The following information is displayed:

    • You will see a list of IP spaces.

    • Discovered IP spaces will have a naming convention <providerName_vpcID>. This is specific to could discovery. On-prem assets discovered do not have any naming conventions.

    • For each VPC across the region, you will see one corresponding IP space.

The following AWS resources are synced to the IPAM dashboard:

  • VPC is mapped to IP space.

  • VPC CIDR is mapped to the address block.

  • The subnet inside VPC is mapped to the subnet inside the address block.

  • The EC2 instance private addresses are mapped to the reservation address.

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