Coming Soon to Infoblox Threat Defense

Coming Soon to Infoblox Threat Defense

This topic includes upcoming features and enhancements for Infoblox Threat Defense.  

Infoblox Threat Defense: Urgent Update Reminder for Infoblox Endpoint

Release Target: Late January

Infoblox Endpoint offers Threat Defense customers invaluable security visibility and control in a world of anywhere, anytime connectivity. However, this security capability is at risk when the Infoblox Endpoint version is allowed to fall too far behind the current release, depriving you of the latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements against known vulnerabilities. Currently, some customers have endpoints running on older versions of Infoblox Endpoint, some of which are so outdated that they can no longer be supported (Refer to this KB article for details about the Infoblox Endpoint Update and Support Policy).

At this time, the supported endpoint versions are 2.4.16 and 2.4.20. A new release, version 2.5.0, is scheduled for the latter half of January. Please note that version 2.4.16 will no longer be supported after February 12th, 2025, and version 2.4.20 will reach end-of-support 90 days after the release of 2.5.0.

Most importantly, due to upcoming updates, unsupported versions of the Endpoint may not be able to connect to the Infoblox Cloud and provide protection. Therefore, it is crucial for you to update any out-of-date endpoint deployments the latest version. Take advantage of our deployment and update features designed to make updates easy and unobtrusive, including a deferred upgrade capability.  Or contact Infoblox Support if you need further assistance.

Note: For information on some of the latest Infoblox Endpoint updates, refer to the "Infoblox Endpoint Enhancements" announcement in last month's newsletter.

Infoblox Threat Defense: Change to Sydney and Johannesburg POPs

Deprovision Target: Mid-February

Infoblox Threat Defense offers a variety of options for configuring access to the Infoblox Threat Defense cloud in order to meet a customer's infrastructure, compliance, or other needs. For customers forwarding DNS traffic to the Infoblox Threat Defense cloud using the External Networks configuration, without Infoblox Endpoint or DNS Forwarding Proxy, the legacy Anycast IPs ( and will be deprovisioned in Sydney’s and Johannesburg’s Points of Presence (PoPs) by mid-February and latency may increase as a result.

Therefore, customers sending traffic directly from their DNS infrastructure need to reconfigure to the preferred IPs: and, and/or allow forwarding on firewalls, by early February. Sydney or Johannesburg customers already using the or IPs, or those using DFPs or Infoblox Endpoints, will not impacted by this change.

More detailed information on 'Forwarding DNS Traffic to Infoblox Platform' is available in online documentation.

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Please note that future functionality and releases described in this communication are subject to change.