Docker Tar File Download

Docker Tar File Download

The first step in deploying a BloxOne Host is to download the compressed tar file:

  1. Login to the Infoblox Cloud Services Portal (https://csp.infoblox.com/).

  2. Navigate to Administration -> Downloads.

  3. Navigate to the Hosts panel located on the Downloads page.

  4. From the drop-down menu, select Download Package for Docker.

  5. Click on the Download Package button.

  6. Follow the prompts to save the compressed tar file.

Note: The compressed tar file will be around 110MB in size.

Our example will be deployed on an Ubuntu 20.04 server, with the standard docker.io package running version 20.10.12 installed.

You may need to have root/administrator permissions (sudo) to run the following commands, and/or be a member of the docker group.  This is dependent on your platform, and the method of docker installation.

% docker load -i BloxOne_OnPrem_Docker_<VERSION>.tar.gz

In our case we ran this command  “docker load -i BloxOne_OnPrem_Docker_3.1.11.tar.gz

And to verify the successful load, run the command  “docker images”.  You will then be able to use this image to “boot strap” the rest of the deployment.

% docker images

To start, you must have root/administrator permissions due to the “--network host” argument. Replace <JOIN_TOKEN> and <VERSION> with appropriate values. The screen capture reveals what was used to deploy for this guide. This starts the first container which will then load and start  the rest of the BloxOne Platform.

sudo docker run -d \ --name blox.noa \ --network=host \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /var/lib/infoblox/certs:/var/lib/infoblox/certs \ -v /etc/onprem.d/:/etc/onprem.d/ \ -v /etc:/mount/etc:ro \ -v /usr/share/zoneinfo:/usr/share/zoneinfo:ro \ infobloxcto/onprem.agent:<version> \ --jointoken=<Join_token>

The response is a long hex string, as seen here it starts with c708f. This will be different for each deployment and is the UUID long identifier of the container

To see the progress of the deployment, you can use  “docker ps”. The most important container is blox.noa, and you should see that it ends up being healthy. Deployment speed will vary depending upon bandwidth and latency of your internet connection. Typical deployment time is of the order of 10-15 minutes.