IoC Right-Click CSP Lookup

IoC Right-Click CSP Lookup

Right-click an IoC such as an IP or domain to open the indicator in the Infoblox Cloud Services Portal (CSP). You will need to log in to the CSP.

Only QRadar default IP address fields (i.e. Source IP, Destination IP) and custom fields with the following names can use this functionality. These ARE case-sensitive.

  1. destinationdnsdomain

  2. DestinationDnsDomain

  3. Destination Dns Domain

  4. Destination DNS Domain

  5. host

  6. Host

  7. hostname

  8. Hostname

  9. url

  10. Url

  11. URL

  12. domain

  13. Domain

  14. domainName

  15. DomainName

  16. Domain Name

  17. DNS query

  18. DNS Response

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