Test the Lambda Script
In order to test the lambda script, perform the following steps:
Input Lambda into the search bar located at the top of the AWS interface.
Locate and click on Lambda to navigate to the Lambda page.
On the Functions page, locate and click the Lambda function you’ve just created.
Click the Test tab located near the top of the function’s page.
Click the Test button located on the top left of the Test event panel.
Above the Test event panel, the Execution results will show. Click the Details arrow to observe the details of the test.
Navigate to the simple text file that holds the IOCs before they are added to the AWS R53 DNSFW domain list. Input S3 into the search bar located at the top of the AWS interface.
Locate and click on S3 to navigate to the Amazon S3 page.
On the Buckets page, scroll down to the Buckets panel. Locate and click on the S3 bucket that is being used with this integration.
In the Objects panel, locate and click the simple text file that was created for this integration. Note, in the example screenshot, the file’s name is MyIOCs.txt.
On the text file’s page, click the Download button located near the top of the page.
Save, or Open the file in the prompt that is revealed.
Observe the contents of the text file. As mentioned earlier in the guide, IOCs should be one per line.
To observe the IOCs added to your AWS Route 53 DNS Firewall domain list via the test, navigate to the Route 53 page. input Route53 into the search bar located at the top of the AWS interface.
Click the text Route 53 in the list that is revealed.
In the Route 53 navigation pane, click Domain List located under the DNS Firewall header.
On the Domain Lists page, in the Owned domain lists panel locate and click on the Domain list you added in the previous section.
In the Domains panel observe the newly added domains