

The following are prerequisites for Outbound API notifications:


  1. NIOS 8.4 or higher

  2. Security Ecosystem license

  3. Outbound API integration templates

    • Available for free download on the Infoblox community site after creating an account.

  4. Prerequisites for templates

    • ex. Configured and set extensible attributes.

  5. Preconfigured services. You may only need some if you need to sync only certain event types to the PAN firewall depending on your needs.  

    • DNS

    • DHCP

    • RPZ

    • Threat Analytics 

    • Discovery

  6. NIOS API user with the following permissions (access via API only)

    • All Hosts – R-W

    • All DHCP Fixed Addresses/Reservations – R-W

    • All IPv4 Networks – R-W

PAN Firewall

  1. Installed and configured PAN Firewall

    • Tested with PAN 8.1, 9, and 10.1

  2. User credentials for the PAN Firewall 

    • User requires access to Address and Address group objects within PAN