Address Object Management Test

Address Object Management Test

The templates support IPv4/IPv6 Hosts, IPv4/IPv6 Fixed IP/Reservations, IPv4/IPv6 Networks, IPv4/IPv6 Ranges, Discovery, and DHCP lease events. This use case demonstrates how to manage IP addresses on Tenable.io.

  1. To create an IPv4 reservation, navigate to Data ManagementIPAM. Select an IPv4 network here (i.e

  2. Click the drop down next to the + Add button under the toolbar and choose IPv4 Reservation.

  1. Click Next, then insert the IP into the IP Address field.

  1. Click on Next until you reach the Extensible Attributes window. If the Extensible Attributes have not already been inherited from the network, set them.

  1. Click Save & Close.

  2. Select the IP and refresh. The TNBL_IO_Sync_Time and TNBL_IO_Last_Scan EA are now updated.

  1. In Tenable.io, navigate to ScansTarget Groups then select the target group you sent the asset to. The address reservation has been added to the Targets list. Refresh the page if necessary.

  1. Navigate to ScansMy Scans. The address has been scanned and its timestamp is visible.

  1. Navigate to DashboardsAssets. The object has been added as an Asset.

  1. In NIOS, navigate to Data ManagementIPAM172.18.0.0./24 and select the IPv4 Reservation object just created. Scroll down and click the garbage can icon.

  1. In Tenable.io, navigate to DashboardsAssets. The asset has been deleted.

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