Add a Rest API Endpoint
A REST API Endpoint is basically a remote system which should receive changes based on a notification and a configured template. A Grid, for example, can not only send notifications, it can also receive the notifications from itself (e.g. for testing purposes).
In order to add REST API Endpoints:
Navigate to Grid → Ecosystem → Outbound Endpoints and click + or + Add REST API Endpoint buttons. The Add REST API Endpoint Wizard window will open.
The URI and Name for the appliance you are integrating with are required.
The URI should be the IP/FQDN of the appliance you are integrating with, with the correct URI scheme.
Specify WAPI Integration Username and WAPI Integration Password (NIOS credentials).
(Optional) For debug purposes only: Under Session Management, set Log Level to Debug.
The accessKey and secretKey can be found when you create the API keys for the user.
Note: When possible, it is recommended to send notifications from a Grid Master Candidate instead of from the Grid Master.