If you are unable to connect to your vNIOS for GCP appliance, the first thing to check is that it started up successfully. The easiest way to do this is through the logs from the Serial port 1 (console).
To check the Serial port logs:
On the VM instance details page, click on the Serial port 1 (console) link.
The Serial port viewer will be displayed and show a history of input/output.
Review for any errors.
If you see a Fatal error during Infoblox startup message, the system is unable to load all required resources. The most common cause for this is not attaching the required second network interface when using a version that requires it. To recover from this error, delete the VM and create a new one, making sure to use two network interfaces for the VM.
If you see the system successfully started up and is sitting at the login prompt, then the issue is external from the appliance. You will need to verify all network settings and firewall rules in your GCP environment.