Deployment Requirements

Deployment Requirements

The following table lists recommended software combinations that are verified for compatibility with the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware v.4.3.0:

NIOSESXivCentervRO (Embedded)vRO (External)vRANSX
8.0.x5. tested
7.3.x5. tested
7.2.x5. tested

To ensure compatibility of the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware with other combinations of VMware software components, check that the components are compatible with each other. You can do so using documentation for these products and VMware Product Interoperability Matrixes. See Resources on page 79 for the links xxx. For deployment steps, see Deploying Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware on page 5. For more information on cloud deployments, see Cloud Network Automation Deployments xxx.

Cloud Network Automation Deployments

Cloud Network Automation includes two components:

  • The Cloud Network Automation license provides the ability to view VM-related information from VMware vCenter directly within the Infoblox GUI organized by Tenant. This enables networking teams to have direct visibility on information normally only available through VMware vSphere Web Client enabling the networking and server teams to better manage IP address and DNS record allocations and troubleshoot issues.
  • Cloud Platform Appliances that enable API calls to be sent directly to the Infoblox appliances serving DNS and/or DHCP locally within the datacenter hosting the Cloud Management Platform (CMP) rather than sending all API calls to the Grid Master.

The current release of the Infoblox Plug-In allows you to work with both non-Cloud Network Automation and Cloud Network Automation NIOS deployments, using the Infoblox WAPI and Cloud API respectively. In order to use the Cloud Network Automation solution for visibility and/or federating API calls, the Plug-In must be configured to use the Infoblox Cloud API. The Cloud API unlike standard Infoblox WAPI supports additional objects such as the Tenant object and supports the federated API capability of the Cloud Platform Appliances.

The following figure illustrates the usage of Cloud Network Automation with the VMware Plug-In:

<<screen shot>>

You may use one of three different configurations of your VMware Plug-In with NIOS Cloud Network Automation:

  • The Cloud Network Automation license is installed on the Grid Master; the user configures the Infoblox VMware Plug-In to connect directly to the Grid Master. This deployment assumes no Cloud Platform Appliances are in the NIOS Grid.
  • One or more Infoblox Cloud Platform members are added to the NIOS Grid; the Cloud Network Automation license is not installed on the Grid Master, and the VMware Plug-In is configured to connect directly to a primary Cloud Platform member instead of to the Grid Master.
  • One or more Infoblox Cloud Platform members are added to the NIOS Grid; the Cloud Network Automation license also is installed on the Grid Master; the Infoblox VMware Plug-In is configured to connect directly to a primary Cloud Platform member instead of to the Grid Master just as in the second option.


For a complete overview of NIOS Cloud Network Automation, see the chapter Deploying Cloud Network Automation in the NIOS Administrator Guide, version 7.3.x. xxx

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