Changing AC Power Supplies
Note: Before changing power supplies, make sure that they are securely cabled. An apparently failed power supply may simply be improperly connected to its power source.
The Infoblox-4010 and Network Insight ND-4000 appliances ship with two redundant, auto-switching AC power supplies or optional DC power supplies, in a 1+1 configuration. The power supplies are "hot-swappable", so you can remove or replace one power supply without interrupting appliance operation and network services.
When a power supply fails for any reason, NIOS displays a power supply alarm. The Infoblox NIOS Dashboard will also display an error under Grid Status. The appliance also sens an email notification and an SNMP trap.
When the appliance contains two functioning power supplies, they share the power load. If one power supply fails, the other assumes the full load automatically and the appliance sends the system alarm to NIOS. Although the appliance can run with only one power supply, Infoblox recommends installing both power supplies that are shipped with the appliance. This configuration minimizes the chance of system failure due to failure of an individual power supply.
Each power supply weighs about three pounds (1.36 kg). The faceplate of the power supply contains a power LED and a power switch. Each AC power supply provides a dedicated male power outlet. Figure 22 and Figure 23 illustrate the process of replacing an AC power supply for the Infoblox-4010 Rev-1 and Rev-2 appliances, respectively.
To replace an Infoblox-4010/Network Insight ND-4000 AC power supply, do the following:
- Turn off the power supply.
- Disconnect the AC power cable from the power outlet.
- Gently push back the red catch-release lever, grip the power supply handle, and pull the power supply unit out of the chassis.
- Place the replacement power supply into the bay and push it forward until it is fully seated in the chassis. The catch-release lever will gently click into place.
- Reconnect the power cable.
- Turn on the power supply. If it is fully seated, powered on, and operating properly, the LED glows steady green.
Figure 22 Removing an Infoblox-4010 Rev-1 AC Power Supply
Figure 23 Removing an Infoblox-4010 Rev-2/Network Insight ND-4000 AC Power Supply