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Specifying Automatic Failover Settings

To specify automatic failover configuration settings:

  1. Go to the Settings icon > Setup > Failover Configuration tab.
    The Failover Configuration page appears, listing all device interfaces that are used by the system.
  2. On the Failover Configuration page, complete the following:
    • Virtual IP address: Enter the VIP address.
    • Connection Mode: Select the connection mode from the drop-down list. You can select Direct if the systems are connected directly through the HA port, or select Network if the HA port of both systems are connected to a network. Infoblox recommends that you use the Direct connection mode.
    • Virtual Hostname: Enter the hostname for the system.
    • Port: Enter the TCP port for replication traffic, if you are using Network connection mode. You must enter a port number great than 1024.

In the Replication Nodes section, enter the following for both Primary and Secondary.

    • Role: Displays the role of the appliance, either PRIMARY or SECONDARY.
    • Management IP: Enter the management IP address of the system.
    • Hostname: Enter the hostname of the system.
    • Replication IP: Enter the IP address used for replication traffic, if you are using Network connection mode.
    • Subnet: Enter the subnet mask of the replication IP, if you are using Network connection mode. Note that the subnet mask must be the same for both primary and secondary appliances.

3. Click Update to update the settings and replicate data on both the primary and secondary appliances.

4. Click Enable to start connecting the systems.

The secondary system synchronizes data with the primary system. This process might take about one hour, depending on the appliance model.