Collection & Consolidation Dashboard

Collection & Consolidation Dashboard

The following table describes the charts available in the Collection & Consolidation dashboard.



OC Deployment




Normalized Collection Intervals



Normalized interval of data collection from device – real collection interval divided by ideal collection interval. The higher the value, the less frequent the polling. Data is collected every 60 minutes.

Config Changes



Number of changes in the configurations of licensed devices. Data is collected every 60 minutes.

Consolidation Time




Average processing time of collected data with warning and critical thresholds available in tooltip. Data is collected every 10 minutes.

Consolidation Subscription Queue


The queue length of subscriptions from collectors awaiting consolidation. Data is collected every 10 minutes.

Consolidation Subscription Delay


Wait time for data consolidation received from collectors. Data is collected every 10 minutes.

Consolidation Delay


Time delay between the data acquisition and consolidation for OC. Data is collected every 10 minutes.

Backpressure Status


Collector’s mode when it collects less data to reduce load on an overcharged OC. Data is collected every 10 minutes.

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