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Policies Terminology

  • A configuration command is any line found in a device configuration file. Such commands comply with the syntax supported by the specific operating system version found in each device.

  • A config file match is a logical test that can be performed on a device's configuration file and/or other collected device data. NetMRI provides several mechanisms for defining config file matches, as described in the following sections. A config file match may include a device filter to limit the devices to which the rule applies. A rule can be included in multiple policies.

  • A rule consists of one or more configuration file command matches and/or device attribute checks. Policy rules provide significant capabilities, including searching of data tables (called lists when referred to by policy rules), which allows tighter integration of Perl and CCS scripts with policies.

  • A policy consists of one or more rules. A policy may include a device filter to limit the devices to which the policy applies.

  • A device filter specifies the devices to which a rule or policy applies. A filter can include one or more config file matches and or one or more device attribute checks. When a device's configuration is being analyzed, criteria in the device filter determine whether the policy should be enforced for that device. If the device matches the criteria, the configuration is verified against the rule or policy. Otherwise, the system performs no analysis for that device against the rule or policy.

  • Policy deployment associates policies with device groups. Once deployed, a policy is checked for a device whenever a change is detected in that device's configuration. Deployed policies are checked for each applicable device at least once per day, even if no changes are detected for the device.