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Checking Device Support and Collection Times

You can verify data collection activity in the Device Viewer. The Device Support page (Device Viewer > Settings & Status > Device Support) contains three tabs:

  • Device License Status: The tab provides the following two columns of information:

    • Licensed: Indicates whether the selected device is counted toward the limit allowed by the NetMRI license. A No listing indicates that NetMRI has discovered more network devices than the license allows.

    • Network Device: Indicates whether the device is considered one of the device types that are fully analyzed and eligible to be counted as a licensed device.

  • Data Collection: This tab lists times at which the most recent collection from various data sources was completed. The sources from which device support information is collected are listed under the Data Source column, and include the device's routing table (ipRouteTable), environment monitoring (DeviceEnvMon), and numerous other data sources as applicable to the specific device type. The End Time for the last data collection is also listed.

  • Device Support: This tab lists various types of information supported for collection on the current device. The Value column is an indicator of NetMRI knowing that a given device supports the given type of data collection (SNMP, for example). A No value indicates that a type of data collection is not supported for the given device. The value shown here does not prevent NetMRI from collecting the given data. NetMRI may still attempt to collect the given data.

You manage data collection settings through Device Group configuration (see Creating Device Groups for information about group settings for data collection). For example, a simple Cisco router does not support VLANs, and its listing shows No under the Supported column, and a Last Collected: Never message in the Value column. In this case, NetMRI will not attempt to collect VLAN data as the device is not classified as a Switch. When NetMRI encounters a device that it classifies as a Switch but hasn't previously supported, the system will attempt VLAN data collection from the device. The Supported column will reflect No but the Last Collected value may reflect that data collection was possible.

Device credentials are a critical element in ensuring the management of a device. You can add SNMP and CLI credentials to any individual discovered device. For more information, see Adding and Testing SNMP Credentials for a Device and Adding and Testing CLI Credentials for a Device.