admin.system.upgrade > apply

admin.system.upgrade > apply

The admin.system.upgrade > apply command applies the upgrade package and performs the upgrade.
timeout is the number of seconds the system waits until the Data Connector transfers the output files to the corresponding destination servers before starting an upgrade. Default timeout value is 600 seconds.


admin.system.upgrade > apply [timeout] [force]

Default: timeout = 600 sec, and no force


admin.system.upgrade > apply 200
Upgrading from version 1.1.0-cloud-xxxxxx to version 1.1.0-xxxxxx
Wait up to 200 sec. to forward all files
***UPGRADE WILL BE CANCELLED*** after wait time is expired if data are not completely
Proceed with upgrade? (y/n): y
27% complete Data forwarding
Data forwarding complete, continue upgrading

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