Viewing Hardware Status

Viewing Hardware Status

You can view the link activity and connection speed of an Ethernet port by looking at its Link/Act and Speed LEDs on the appliance. The status the LEDs convey through their color and illumination (steady glow or blinking) are presented in the following tables.

For Infoblox-2000-A Appliances

MGMT and HA Ports


Port Status

Link/ActSteady OrangeLink is up but inactive
Blinking OrangeLink is up and active
DarkLink is down

LAN Ports

LabelColorPort Status
Link/ActSteady GreenLink is up but inactive
Blinking GreenLink is up and active
DarkLink is down

MGMT, HA, and LAN Ports

LabelColorPort Status
SpeedSteady Amber1000 Mbps
Steady Green100 Mbps
Dark10 Mbps

For Infoblox-1050-A, -1550-A, -1552-A, and -1852-A Appliances

LabelColorPort Status
Link/ActSteady GreenLink is up but inactive
Blinking GreenLink is up and active
DarkLink is down
SpeedSteady Amber1000 Mbps
Steady Green100 Mbps
Dark10 Mbps

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