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IPAM Task Pack

The IPAM task pack contains the following tasks:

Depending on your administrative permissions and the Dashboard template configuration, Grid Manager displays tasks you can access in specific task packs. You can configure your task packs by adding or hiding certain tasks. For information about Dashboard templates, see Configuring Dashboard Templates.
To hide tasks in a task pack:

  1. Click the Configure icon at the upper right corner of the task pack.
  2. In the configuration panel, select the tasks you want to hide from the Active Tasks table. You can use SHIFT+click and CTRL+click to select multiple tasks.
  3. Click the left arrow to move the selected tasks to the Available Tasks table.

Click the Configuration icon again to hide the configuration panel after you complete the modification.
Required Licenses for IPAM Tasks
21594653 lists the required licenses for viewing and performing IPAM tasks on the Tasks Dashboard.
Table 2.1 Required Licenses for IPAM Tasks

Task Required Licenses
Add NetworksDHCP or MSMGMT license
Add HostsDNS or DHCP license
Add Fixed AddressesDHCP or MSMGMT license
Add A RecordDNS or MSMGMT license
Add CNAME RecordDNS or MSMGMT license
Add TXT Record

DNS or MSMGMT license

Add MX RecordDNS or MSMGMT license

For information about how to install licenses, see Managing Licenses.

Add Networks

You can create IPv4 and IPv6 networks from the Tasks Dashboard (either from scratch or from a network template that contains predefined properties). You can also create networks from the Data Management tab. For more information about IPv4 and IPv6 networks, see Configuring IPv4 Networks and Configuring IPv6 Networks.
To add networks from the Tasks Dashboard:

  1. Click Add Networks in the IPAM task pack and complete the following in the Add Networks wizard:
    • Regional Internet Registry: This section appears only when support for RIR updates is enabled. For information about RIR, see RIR Registration Updates. Complete the following to create an RIR IPv4 network container or network:
      • Internet Registry: Select the RIR from the drop-down list. The default is RIPE. When you select None, the network is not associated with an RIR organization.
      • Organization ID: Click Select Organization and select an organization from the RIR Organization Selector dialog box.
      • Registration Status: The default is Not Registered. When adding an RIR allocated network, you can change this to Registered and select the Do not update registrations check box below. Note that when you select API as the communication method, the registration status will be updated automatically after the registration update is completed. However, when you select Email as the communication method, the registration status will not be automatically updated. If you are creating a new network and the registration update is completed successfully, the status will be changed to Registered. If the update fails, the status will be changed to Not Registered. The updated status and timestamp are displayed in the Status of last update field in the IPv4 /IPv6 Network Container or IPv4/IPV6 Network editor.
      • Registration Action: Select the registration action from the drop-down list. When you select Create, the appliance creates the IPv4 or IPv6 network and assigns it to the selected organization. When you select None, the appliance does not send registration updates to RIPE. When you are adding an existing RIR allocated network to NIOS, select None. When you are adding networks to an RIR allocated network (a parent network), select Create. Ensure that the parent network associated with an RIR organization already exists.
      • Do not update registrations: Select this check box if you do not want the appliance to submit RIR updates to RIPE. By default, the appliance sends updates to the RIR database based on the configured communication method.
    • Network View: This appears only when you have multiple network views. From the drop-down list, select the network view in which you want to create the network.
    • Protocol: Select IPv4 to add IPv4 networks and IPv6 to add IPv6 networks.
    • Netmask: Enter the netmask or use the netmask slider to select the appropriate number of subnet mask bits for the network.
    • Use Active Directory Sites: This check box is displayed only if you install the Microsoft license. Click the Add icon to associate multiple Active Directory Sites with the network. When you click Add, the appliance displays the following:
      • Active Directory Domain: The Active Directory Domains that are synchronized from the Microsoft server.
        Click an Active Directory Domain that you want to associate.
        To search for a particular Active Directory Domain, specify the respective name and click Go. If there are multiple Active Directory Domains, the appliance displays the list of such domains by paging to the next page. You can use the page navigation buttons that are displayed at the bottom of this column to navigate through the Active Directory Domains. You can also refresh the values in the column using the Refresh icon.
      • Active Directory Site: The Active Directory Sites that are associated with the selected Active Directory Domain. Click an Active Directory Site that you want to associate with the network.
        To search for a particular Active Directory Site, specify the respective name and click Go. If there are multiple Active Directory Sites, the appliance displays the list of such sites by paging to the next page. You can use the page navigation buttons that are displayed at the bottom of this column to navigate through the Active Directory Sites. You can also refresh the values in the column using the Refresh icon.
      • Click Add to add the selected Active Directory Sites to the network or click Cancel to cancel the operation. The appliance displays these domains and sites in the respective columns. Click the x icon if you want to close the Active Directory Domains and Sites selector.
      • Click the Delete icon to delete Active Directory Sites that are associated with the network.

For more information about Active Directory Domains and Sites, see Configuring Active Directory Sites and Services
NIOS may execute discovery on the newly created network after you save your settings. When you create a network in NIOS, it inherits its discovery capabilities (whether or not it is immediately discovered, its polling settings, and any possible exclusions from discovery), from its parent network (if it has one) or its network container. If the new network is a parent network, it inherits its polling settings from the Grid and its discovery member selection and Enable Discovery action must be defined by the user.

  • Networks: Do one of the following to add new networks:
    Click the Add icon to create a new network.
    • For IPv4 networks: Grid Manager adds a row to the table. Enter the network address in the Network field. Click the Add icon to add another network. You can also select a network and click the Delete icon to delete it.
    • For IPv6 networks: If you are adding a network for a previously defined global IPv6 prefix, you can select the prefix from the IPv6 Prefix drop-down list. The default is None, which means that you are not creating an IPv6 network for a previously defined subnet route. If you have defined a global prefix at the Grid level, the default is the global prefix value. Click Add and Grid Manager adds a row to the table. Enter the network address in the Network field. When you enter an IPv6 address, you can use double colons to compress a contiguous sequence of zeros. You can also omit any leading zeros in a four-hexadecimal group. For example, the complete IPv6 address 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0102:0304 can be shortened to 2001:db8::0102:0304. Note that if there are multiple noncontiguous groups of zeros, the double colon can only be used for one group to avoid ambiguity. The appliance displays an IPv6 address in its shortened form, regardless of its form when it was entered. Click Add again to add another network. You can also select a network and click the Delete icon to delete it.


Click the Next Available icon to have the appliance search for the next available network. For more information about the next available network, see Configuring the Next Available Network or IP Address. Complete the following in the Next Available Networks section:

    • Create new network(s) under: Enter the network container in which you want to create the new network. When you enter a network that does not exist, the appliance adds it as a network container. When you enter a network that is part of a parent network, the parent network is converted into a network container if it does not have a member assignment or does not contain address ranges, fixed addresses, reservations, shared networks, and host records that are served by DHCP. When you enter a network that has a lower CIDR than an existing network, the appliance creates the network as a parent network and displays a message indicating that the newly created network overlaps an existing network. You can also click Select Network to select a specific network in the Network Selector dialog box. For information about how the appliance searches for the next available network, see Configuring the Next Available Network or IP Address.
    • Number of new networks: Enter the number of networks you want to add to the selected network container. Note that if there is not enough network space in the selected network to create the number of networks specified here, Grid Manager displays an error message. The maximum number is 20 at a time. Note that when you have existing networks in the table and you select one, the number you enter here includes the selected network.
    • Click Add Next to add the networks. Grid Manager lists the networks in the table. You can click Cancel to reset the values.

Note: You must click Add Next to add the network container you enter in the Next Available Networks section. If you enter a network in the Next Available Networks section and then use the Add icon to add another network, the appliance does not save the network you enter in the Next Available Networks section until you click Add Next.

  • Extensible Attributes: Click the Add icon to enter extensible attributes. Grid Manager adds a row to the table each time you click the Add icon. Select the row and the attribute name from the drop-down list, and then enter the value. All inheritance attributes which can be inherited from a parent object will be automatically inherited when you add a network. Inheritable extensible attributes that are required are automatically displayed. Optional extensible attributes that are not inheritable are not automatically displayed. For more information about extensible attributes, see Managing Extensible Attributes.
  • If you are adding an RIR network, the RIR network attribute table appears. For information about these attributes and how to enter them, see Managing RIR Attributes.
    Preview RIR Submissions: Click this to view the updates before the appliance submits them to the RIPE database. This button is enabled only when the registration action is Create, Modify, or Delete, and the Do not update registrations check box is not selected.

2. Save the configuration.

Click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard to schedule this task. In the Schedule Change panel, click Later and enter a date, time, and time zone. For information, see Managing Extensible Attributes.
The appliance saves the networks you just created, and Grid Manager displays them in the Result page. When you click a newly created network on this page, Grid Manager displays the IP Map panel from which you can view detailed information about the network. For information about the IP Map panel, see Viewing and Managing IPv4 Addresses.
You can also add and modify other information about the networks you just created. For information about modifying network information, see Managing IPv4 DHCP Data and Managing IPv6 DHCP Data.

Add Hosts

Host records provide a unique approach to the management of DNS, DHCP, and IPAM data. By using host records, you can manage multiple DNS records and DHCP and IPAM data collectively, as one object on the appliance. You can add IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to host records from the Tasks Dashboard or the Data Management tab. Note that when you add a host record from the Tasks Dashboard, they are configured only for DNS. For more information about Infoblox host records, see About Host Records.
To add host records from the Tasks Dashboard:

  1. Click Add Hosts in the IPAM Task Pack and complete the following in the Add Hosts wizard:
    • Network View: This appears only when you have multiple network views. From the drop-down list, select the network view in which you want to create the host record.
    • Zone Name: Click Select to select a DNS zone from the Zone Selector dialog box.
    • Exclude from Network Discovery and Immediate Discovery. When creating the new Host record, you can direct NIOS to immediately discover the host, or to exclude it from network discovery. By default, the Add Hosts task enables immediate discovery.
    • DNS View: Displays the DNS view of the selected zone.
    • Hosts: Do one of the following to add a host record:

Click the Add icon and the appliance adds a row to the table. Complete the following in the table to add a new host record:

      • Name: Enter the name of the host record.
      • Zone: Displays the DNS zone you select in Zone Name. When you enter a different zone here, the appliance displays an error message.
      • Address: Enter the IP address you want to associate with this host record.


Click the Next Available icon to have the appliance search for the next available IP address for the host record. For information about the next available IP address, see Configuring the Next Available Network or IP Address. Complete the following in the Next Available IP section:

      • Create new host addresses under: Click Select to select the network or address range in the Network/Range Selector dialog box from which you want the appliance to search for the next available IP address for this host record.
      • Number of new host addresses: Enter the number of host addresses. Note that if there is not enough space in the selected network or address range to create the number of host addresses specified here, Grid Manager displays an error message. The maximum number is 20 at a time. Note that when you have existing host addresses in the table and you select one, the number you enter here includes the selected host address.
      • Click Add Next to add the IP addresses to their corresponding hosts. Grid Manager lists the host addresses in the table. Ensure that you enter a name for each host record.
    • Extensible Attributes
      • Apply to all above hosts: Select this to associate extensible attributes with all hosts that you have defined. This is selected by default. You can define and associate multiple extensible attributes with multiple hosts at once.
      • Apply to selected host: Select this to associate extensible attributes with the selected host only. Note that when you select this option for another host in the list, the Extensible Attributes table is refreshed for you to associate a different set of extensible attributes with the selected host.
      • Extensible Attributes table: Click the Add icon to enter extensible attributes. The appliance adds a row to the table each time you click the Add icon. Select the row and the attribute name from the drop-down list, and then enter the value. All inheritance attributes which can be inherited from a parent object will be automatically inherited when you add a host. Inheritable extensible attributes that are required are automatically displayed. Optional extensible attributes that are not inheritable are not automatically displayed. For more information about extensible attributes, see Managing Extensible Attributes.

2. Save the configuration. or

Add Fixed Addresses

You can add IPv4 and IPv6 fixed addresses from the Tasks Dashboard or from the Data Management tab. For more information about fixed addresses, see Configuring IPv4 Fixed Addresses and Configuring IPv6 Fixed Addresses.
To add fixed addresses from the Tasks Dashboard:

  1. Click Add Fixed Addresses in the IPAM task pack and complete the following in the Add Fixed Addresses wizard:
    • Network View: This appears only when you have multiple network views. From the drop-down list, select the network view in which you want to create the fixed address.
    • Protocol: Select IPv4 to add IPv4 addresses and IPv6 to add IPv6 addresses.
    • Template: Click Select Template to select a fixed address template. When you use a template to create a fixed address, the configuration of the template applies to the new fixed address. You can also click Clear to remove the template. For information about templates, see Managing DHCP Templates.
    • Exclude from Network Discovery and Immediate Discovery. When creating the new fixed address, you can direct NIOS to immediately discover the device associated with the fixed address, or to exclude it from network discovery. By default, the Add Fixed Addresses task enables immediate discovery.
    • Addresses: Do one of the following to add fixed addresses:

Click the Add icon and Grid Manager adds a row to the table. Complete the following to create fixed addresses:

      • For IPv4 fixed addresses: Enter the IPv4 address and MAC address. Click the Add icon to add another fixed address.
      • For IPv6 fixed addresses: Enter the IPv6 address and DUID. Click the Add icon again to add another fixed address.

Click the Next Available icon to have the appliance search for the next available address. Complete the following:

    • Create new fixed addresses under: Click Select to select the network or address range in the Network/Range Selector dialog box from which you want the appliance to search for the next available IP address for this fixed address.
    • Number of new fixed addresses: Enter the number of fixed addresses you want to add to the selected network or address range. Note that if there is not enough space in the selected network or address range to create the number of fixed addresses specified here, Grid Manager displays an error message. The maximum number is 20 at a time. Note that when you have existing fixed addresses in the table and you select one, the number you enter here includes the selected fixed address.
    • Click Add Next to add the fixed addresses. The appliance lists the fixed addresses to the table. Ensure that you enter the MAC address or DUID for each fixed address.
  • Extensible Attributes table: Click the Add icon to enter extensible attributes. The appliance adds a row to the table each time you click the Add icon. Select the row and the attribute name from the drop-down list, and then enter the value. All inheritance attributes which can be inherited from a parent object will be automatically inherited when you add a fixed address. Inheritable extensible attributes that are required are automatically displayed. Optional extensible attributes that are not inheritable are not automatically displayed. For more information about extensible attributes, see Managing Extensible Attributes.

2. Save the configuration.

Click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard to schedule this task. In the Schedule Change panel, click Later and enter a date, time, and time zone. For information, see Scheduling Tasks.
The appliance saves the fixed addresses you just created, and Grid Manager displays them in the Result page. When you click a newly created fixed address on this page, Grid Manager displays the Data Management -> IPAM
-> IP Map or List tab from which you can view information about the fixed address.
You can also add and modify other information about the fixed addresses you just created. For more information about modifying fixed address information, see Managing IPv4 DHCP Data and Managing IPv6 DHCP Data.

Add A Record

An A (address) record is a DNS resource record that maps a domain name to an IPv4 address. You can add an A record from the Tasks Dashboard or from the Data Management tab. For more information about managing A records, see Managing Resource Records.
To add networks from the Tasks Dashboard:

  1. Click Add A Record in the IPAM task pack and complete the following in the Add A Record wizard:
  2. In the Add A Record wizard, do the following:
    • Name: If Grid Manager displays a zone name, enter the hostname that you want to map to an IP address. The displayed zone name can either be the last selected zone or the zone from which you are adding the host record. If no zone name is displayed or if you want to specify a different zone, click Select Zone. When there are multiple zones, Grid Manager displays the Zone Selector dialog box. Click a zone name in the dialog box and then enter the hostname. The name you enter is prefixed to the DNS zone name that is displayed, and the complete name becomes the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the host. For example, if the zone name displayed is and you enter admin, then the FQDN becomes Ensure that the domain name you enter complies with the hostname restriction policy defined for the zone. To create a wildcard A record, enter an asterisk (star) in this field.
    • DNS View: This field displays the DNS view to which the DNS zone belongs.
    • Shared Record Group: This field appears only when you are creating a shared record from the Data Management tab. Click Select Shared Record Group. If you have only one shared record group, the appliance displays the name of the shared record group here. If you have multiple shared record groups, select the shared record group in the Shared Record Group Selector dialog box. You can use filters or the Go to function to narrow down the list.
    • Hostname Policy: Displays the hostname policy of the zone.
    • In the IP Addresses section, click the Add icon and do one of the following:
      • Select Add Address to enter the IPv4 address to which you want the domain name to map.
      • Select Next Available IPv4 to retrieve the next available IP address in a network.
        If the A record is in zone that has associated networks, the Network Selector dialog box lists the associated networks. If the zone has no network associations, the Network Selector dialog box lists the available networks. When you select a network, Grid Manager retrieves the next available IP address in that network.
      • Comment: Optionally, enter additional information about the A record.
      • Create associated PTR record: Select this option to automatically generate a PTR record that maps the specified IP address to the hostname. To create the PTR record, the reverse-mapping zone must be in the database.
      • Disable: Select this check box to disable the record. Clear the check box to enable it.
  3. Click Next to define extensible attributes. For information, see Managing Extensible Attributes.
  4. Save the configuration or click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard to schedule this task. For information about how to schedule a task, see Scheduling Tasks.
  5. Click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

Add CNAME Record

A CNAME record maps an alias to a canonical name. You can use CNAME records in both IPv4 forward- and IPv4 reverse-mapping zones to serve two different purposes. (At this time, you cannot use CNAME records with IPv6 reverse-mapping zones.) For more information about CNAME records, see Managing CNAME Records.
To add a CNAME record from the Tasks Dashboard:

1. Click Add CNAME Record in the IPAM task pack and complete the following in the Add CNAME Record wizard:

  • Network View: This appears only when you have multiple network views. From the drop-down list, select the network view in which you want to create the CNAME record.
  • Alias: Click Select Zone to select a DNS zone from the Zone Selector dialog box. If you have only one zone, Grid Manager displays the zone name here when you click Select Zone. Enter the alias for the canonical name. For an IPv4 reverse-mapping zone, enter the host portion of an IP address. For example, if the full IP address is in a network with a 25-bit netmask, enter 1. (The network contains host addresses from to The network address is, and the broadcast address is
  • DNS View: Displays the DNS view of the selected zone.
  • Shared Record Group: This field appears only when you are creating a shared record from the Data Management tab. Click Select Shared Record Group. If you have only one shared record group, the appliance displays the name of the shared record group here. If you have multiple shared record groups, select the shared record group in the Shared Record Group Selector dialog box. You can use filters or the Go to function to narrow down the list.
  • Canonical Name: This field displays the domain name of either the current zone or the last selected zone. To add a CNAME record to a forward-mapping zone, enter the complete canonical (or official) name of the host. To add a CNAME record to a reverse-mapping zone, enter (host IP address + 2317 prefix + network IP address + For example, enter This IP address must match the address defined in the PTR record in the delegated child zone.
  • Comments: Enter useful information about this record.
  • Disable: Select the check box to disable the record without deleting its configuration. Clear the check box to enable the record.

2. Save the configuration, or click Next to define extensible attributes. For information about extensible attributes, see Managing Extensible Attributes.
3. Click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard to schedule this task. In the Schedule Change panel, click Later and enter a date, time, and time zone. For information, see Scheduling Tasks.

Click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

Add TXT Record

A TXT (text record) record contains supplemental information for a host. For example, if you have a sales server that serves only North America, you can create a text record stating this fact. You can create more than one text record for a domain name. You can add a TXT record from the Tasks Dashboard or the Data Management tab. For more information about TXT records, see Managing TXT Records.
To add TXT records from the Tasks Dashboard:

1. Click Add TXT Record in the IPAM task pack and complete the following in the Add TXT Record wizard:

  • Network View: This appears only when you have multiple network views. From the drop-down list, select the network view in which you want to create the TXT record.
  • Name: If Grid Manager displays a zone name, enter the name to define a TXT record for a host or subdomain. If no zone name is displayed or if you want to specify a different zone, click SelectZone. When there are multiple zones, Grid Manager displays the ZoneSelector dialog box. Click a zone name in the dialog box. Then, enter the TXT record name. The appliance prefixes the name you enter to the domain name of the selected zone. For example, if you want to create a TXT record for a web server whose host name is and you define the TXT record in the zone, enter www2 in this field. To define a TXT record for a domain whose name matches the selected zone, leave this field empty. The appliance automatically adds the domain name (the same as the zone name) to the TXT record. For example, if you want to create a TXT record for the domain and you selected the zone, leave this field empty. 
  • DNS View: Displays the DNS view of the selected zone.
  • Shared Record Group: This field appears only when you are creating a shared record from the Data Management tab. Click Select Shared Record Group. If you have only one shared record group, the appliance displays the name of the shared record group here. If you have multiple shared record groups, select the shared record group in the Shared Record Group Selector dialog box. You can use filters or the Go to function to narrow down the list.
  • Text: Enter the text that you want to associate with the record. It can contain substrings of up to 255 bytes, up to a total of 512 bytes. Additionally, if you enter leading, trailing, or embedded spaces in the text, add quotes around the text to preserve the spaces. For example: " v=spf1 -all "
  • Comments: Enter useful information about this record.
  • Disable: Select the check box to disable the record without deleting its configuration. Clear the check box to enable the record.

2. Save the configuration, or click Next to define extensible attributes. For information, see Managing Extensible Attributes.
Click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard to schedule this task. In the Schedule Change panel, click Later and enter a date, time, and time zone. For information, see Scheduling Tasks.

3. Click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

Add MX Record

An MX (mail exchanger) record maps a domain name to a mail exchanger. A mail exchanger is a server that either delivers or forwards mail. You can specify one or more mail exchangers for a zone, as well as the preference for using each mail exchanger. A standard MX record applies to a particular domain or subdomain. You can add an MX record from the Tasks Dashboard or the Data Management tab. For more information about MX records, see Managing MX Records.
To add MX records from the Tasks Dashboard:

1. Click Add MX Record in the IPAM task pack and complete the following in the Add TXT Record wizard:

  • Network View: This appears only when you have multiple network views. From the drop-down list, select the network view in which you want to create the MX record.
  • Mail Destination: If Grid Manager displays a zone name, enter the mail destination here. If no zone name is displayed or if you want to specify a different zone, click Select Zone. When there are multiple zones, Grid Manager displays the ZoneSelector dialog box. Click a zone name in the dialog box, and then enter the mail destination. If you want to define an MX record for a domain whose name matches the zone you selected, leave this field blank. Grid Manager automatically adds the domain name (the same as the zone name) to the MX record. For example, if you want to create an MX record for a mail exchanger serving the domain and you selected the zone, and leave this field empty.If you want to define an MX record for a subdomain, enter the subdomain name. The appliance prefixes the name you enter to the domain name of the selected zone. For example, if you want to create an MX record for a mail exchanger serving—a subdomain of—and you define the MX record in the zone, enter site1 in this field.If you want to define an MX record for a domain and all its subdomains, enter an asterisk ( * ) to create a wildcard MX record.
  • DNS View: Displays the DNS view of the selected zone.
  • Shared Record Group: This field appears only when you are creating a shared record from the Data Management tab. Click Select Shared Record Group. If you have only one shared record group, the appliance displays the name of the shared record group here. If you have multiple shared record groups, select the shared record group in the Shared Record Group Selector dialog box. You can use filters or the Goto function to narrow down the list.
  • Host Name Policy: Displays the hostname policy of the selected zone. Ensure that the hostname you enter complies with the hostname restriction policy defined for the zone.
  • Mail Exchanger: Enter the fully qualified domain name of the mail exchanger.
  • Preference: Select an integer from 10 to 100, or enter a value from 0 to 65535. The preference determines the order in which a client attempts to contact the target mail exchanger.
  • Comment: Enter useful information about this record.
  • Disable: Select the check box to disable the record without deleting its configuration. Clear the check box to enable the record.

2. Save the configuration, or click Next to define extensible attributes. For information, see Managing Extensible Attributes.

Click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard to schedule this task. In the Schedule Change panel, click Later and enter a date, time, and time zone. For information about scheduling tasks, see Scheduling Tasks.

3. Click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

CSV Import

You can access CSV Import Manager and perform CSV imports, manage import jobs, and view import status. You can perform CSV imports from the Task Dashboard and the Toolbar. You can also click CSV Import Manager, which allows for importing of data, managing import jobs, and viewing import status.
You can click New CSV import job icon in the CSV Job Manager wizard to import a CSV file to the database. You can also verify the content in your CSV file before replacing the content of the database with the content in the imported CSV file. For detailed information about the CSV import feature, see Importing and Exporting Data using CSV Import.