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Setting Login Options

Grid Manager provides several options that you can set to facilitate the login process. Additionally, you can manage CA (Certificate Authority) and server certificates on the NIOS appliance. You can import certificates, select and view their details, or remove them. To manage certificates, see Managing Certificates.

Specifying the Grid Name and Hostname

To define the default hostname that appears when the login prompt displays:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Grid Properties -> Set up (Grid Setup Wizard) from the Toolbar.
  2. On the Welcome page, select Configure a Grid Master, and then click Next.
  3. Enter the Grid name in the Grid Name field and the hostname in the Host Name field.

Creating a Login Ba nner

You can create a statement that appears at the top of the Login screen (a banner message). This function is useful for posting security warnings or user-friendly information well above the user name and password fields on the Login screen. A login banner message can be up to 3000 characters long. In a Grid, perform this task on the Grid Master.
To create a login banner:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Grid Properties -> Edit from the Toolbar.
  2. In the Grid Properties editor, select the Security tab, and then select Enable Login Banner. In the text field, enter the text that you want displayed on the login screen.
  3. Save the configuration.

Changing the Password and Email Address

Grid Manager creates and stores a user profile for each admin user. Each user profile contains information about the admin group and admin type assigned to the user. You can modify certain information in your user profile any time after the initial login. You can change your password to facilitate future logins and add your email address for reference.
Note that when multiple users log in to Grid Manager using the same admin account, they share the same user profile and preference settings, such as the widget, table size and column settings, independent of their browser settings. Instead of using the same admin account for multiple users, you can add multiple users to the same admin group so they can share the same permissions. For information about configuring admin accounts and admin groups, see Managing Administrators.
If you can access only the Tasks Dashboard, you may not see or configure certain fields in the User Profile editor.
To change your password and email address:

  1. At the top right corner of the navigation bar, click the Admin name and select Profile from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the User Profile editor, complete the following:
    • Name: Displays your user name.
    • Last Login: Displays the timestamp of your last login.
    • Type: Displays your user type. There are two user types: Local and Remote. The local admin accounts are stored in the database of the appliance, and the remote admin accounts are stored on another server, such as a RADIUS server. Grid Manager automatically deletes remote user profiles if the users have not logged in for more than six months.
    • Group: Displays the admin group to which your account belongs. The admin group determines your administrative permissions. Only superusers can define admin groups through Grid Manager.
    • Password: You can set a new password according to the requirements that are displayed.
      • Set Password: If you are a local user, select this check box to set a new password for your account. If you are a remote user, this field does not appear.
      • Old Password: Enter your current password.
      • New Password: Enter the new password, and then re-enter it in the Retype Password field.
    • Email Address: Enter your email address. Note that this address simply provides contact information. By default, this field is blank.
  3. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

Specifying the Table Size

You can specify the amount of data Grid Manager can display in a table or a single list view. You can improve the display performance by setting a smaller table size. The setting you specify here applies to all tables in Grid Manager. Note that if you can access only the Tasks Dashboard, you cannot configure table size.
To specify table size:

  1. At the top right corner of the navigation bar, click the Admin name and select Profile from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the User Profile editor, complete the following:
    Table Size: Specify the number of lines of data you want a table or a single list view to contain. You can set the number of lines from 10 to 256. The default is 20.
  3. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

Selecting Your Home Page

When you first log in to Grid Manager, the Tasks Dashboard is your home page. You can change your home page for subsequent logins. You can specify the maximum number of widgets that can be configured per dashboard. You can set up to 20 widgets per dashboard. You can also set the auto refresh rate for the dashboard widgets. This interval tells how often the content of the dashboard widgets are refreshed.
To change your home page:

  1. At the top right corner of the navigation bar, click the Admin name and select Profile from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the User Profile editor, complete the following:
    • Default Dashboard: Select Status or Task from the drop-down list.
    • Maximum Widgets per Dashboard: Specify the maximum number of widgets that can be configured per Dashboard. You can enter a value between 1 and 20. The default value is 10. This limit does not apply to the default dashboard.
    • Auto-refresh rate: Specify the time interval in seconds the appliance refreshes the content of the widget automatically. The default auto-refresh rate is 10 seconds.
  3. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

Grid Manager displays the selected dashboard as your home page when you log in the next time.

Setting the Browser Time Zone

You can specify the time zone Grid Manager uses to convert all displayed time values such as the last discovered and last login time. Grid Manager sets the time zone based on the time zone of your browser when you set the time zone to auto-detect in the User Profile editor. When you set the time zone of your browser to auto-detect and Grid Manager cannot automatically determine the time zone when you log in, the time zone is set to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) standard. In this case, you can manually change the time zone in the User Profile editor.
To manually set the time zone of your browser:

  1. At the top right corner of the navigation bar, click the Admin name and select Profile from the drop-down menu. The User Profile editor displays your user name, user type, and admin group.
  2. In the User Profile editor, complete the following:
    • Time Zone: Select the time zone Grid Manager uses to convert all displayed time values. The default is Auto-detect time zone. You must select a specific time zone when Grid Manager cannot automatically detect the time zone of your browser.
  3. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.