Chapter 2 Dashboards

Chapter 2 Dashboards

Dashboards provide easy access to tasks and a quick overview to the status of your Grid and DNS, DHCP and IPAM services. This chapter contains the following sections:

About Dashboards

The Dashboard is your home page on Grid Manager. It provides easy access to tasks and a quick view to the status of your Grid and core network services. Grid Manager provides the following dashboards:

  • Tasks: The Tasks dashboard contains task packs that provide easy access to commonly performed tasks. A task pack is a collection of tasks that belong to a specific service or function, such as IPAM or Automation. For information, see The Tasks Dashboard.
  • Status: A status dashboard contains widgets from which you can view and manage DNS, DHCP, and IPAM status and data. You can configure multiple status dashboards for managing a large number of Grid members. For information, see Status Dashboards.
  • Reporting Clustering Status: The Reporting Clustering Status dashboard displays the reporting clustering status. This tab is displayed only if you have configured reporting clustering. For information, see

When you first log in to Grid Manager, the tasks dashboard is your home page. You can change your home page for subsequent logins.
To change your home page:

  1. Navigate to any tab in Grid Manager (except for the Dashboards tab).
  2. Click User Profile from the Toolbar and complete the following In the User Profile dialog box:
     Default Dashboard: Select Status or Task from the drop-down list.
  3. Save the configuration.

Grid Manager displays the selected dashboard as your home page when you log in the next time.

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