About Infoblox vNIOS for AWS

About Infoblox vNIOS for AWS


In this document, the term "on-premises" refers to your enterprise network.

You can use Infoblox vNIOS for AWS virtual appliances to provide enterprise-grade DNS and IPAM services across your AWS VPCs. Instead of manually provisioning IP addresses and DNS name spaces for network devices and interfaces, you can deploy an Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instance as one of the following:

  • A standalone NIOS appliance to provide DNS service in your Amazon VPC.

  • A virtual cloud member tied to an on-premises (non-Cloud) NIOS Grid.

  • A Grid Master synchronizing with other AWS-hosted vNIOS Grid members in your Amazon VPC, and across VPCs or Availability Zones in different Amazon Regions.

  • A Grid Master or a member in a high availability (HA) setup starting from NIOS 9.0.4.

Infoblox vNIOS for AWS supports fully automated allocations of IP addresses and DNS record creation for business workloads. You can reduce provisioning errors, and quickly provision and de-commission resources in your public cloud. NIOS handles IP address management of AWS instances, provisioning, and managing all private IP addresses through IPAM. You can delegate different networks in your Amazon VPC to different Infoblox vNIOS for AWS Cloud Platform Appliances for management. Only with NIOS versions 8.5.2 and 8.6.2 the vNIOS for AWS instances can be deployed with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Note that Infoblox supports network connectivity with IPv6 on IB-V4015 and IB-V4025 vNIOS appliances only. For more information about the supported vNIOS models, see Infoblox vNIOS for AWS AMI Shapes and Regions.

After starting your Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instances, you can use vDiscovery to discover and to periodically re-discover all resources in networks across multiple projects inside your Amazon cloud and synchronize data with NIOS. Infoblox vNIOS for AWS also supports flexible deployment options, including the Elastic Scaling feature for automatic provisioning of Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instances in your Amazon VPCs. For more information about vDiscovery and elastic scaling, refer to the Infoblox NIOS Documentation. For requirements to use vDiscovery on AWS, see vDiscovery on AWS VPCs.

With Network Insight appliances deployed on the AWS public cloud, you can use the discovery feature to detect devices in your network and to collect and manage the device data from Grid Manager. For more information about Network Insight, refer to the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.

Infoblox vNIOS for AWS deployments may be part of a hybrid cloud strategy that supports managing organization assets on public clouds (for example, Amazon) and on private clouds (for example, OpenStack and VMware). With the inclusion of Infoblox vNIOS for AWS, the Infoblox Cloud Network Automation solution provides core network services to centralize management across the following:

  • AWS EC2 public clouds

  • VMware and OpenStack private clouds

  • Traditional enterprise networks

You can use Grid Manager as a unified console to support all Cloud platforms, to ensure uniform DNS policies, and to provision network and IP addresses. Infoblox vNIOS for AWS also supports DNS Firewall licensing for enhanced security and malware detection within your AWS cloud. For information about Infoblox Cloud Network Automation, refer to the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.

With the Amazon Route 53 integration feature, you can enable NIOS to span across your enterprise networks and AWS VPCs to discover and integrate the Route 53 DNS data with the NIOS database to get a unified console experience in NIOS. This feature allows you to synchronize Route 53 data from a single AWS account to NIOS or from multiple AWS accounts (of an AWS organization) to NIOS using a single NIOS cloud admin account.

Infoblox vNIOS for AWS supports extensions to the Amazon API. Grid members or the Grid Master can act as an API proxy to send AWS automation of Cloud administrators, provisioning, and management requests to the Amazon API. You can use NIOS configuration tasks or cloud API clients to send AWS API requests through any NIOS or vNIOS appliance designated as the API Proxy. For information, see Setting Up the Infoblox AWS API Proxy and Setting up a Grid Member as the API Proxy.

In this manual, you will learn how to provision and manage Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instances in the Amazon Web Services public cloud platform.


  • vNIOS for AWS instances do not support LAN2 interfaces.

  • vNIOS for AWS does not discover a network resource if its name exceeds 63 characters in length. Ensure that the name of every AWS resource that must be discovered by NIOS does not exceed 63 characters.

  • vNIOS for AWS instances running on NIOS 8.6.3 or the later versions of 8.6.x, deployed with R4 or R6i instance types, do not support downgrading NIOS to a version prior to 8.6.3 or setting up automatic synchronization of DNS data.

  • vNIOS for AWS does not support the use of Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) mechanism in network schedulers because the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) poll-mode driver does not provide the API required for 100 Gbps ENA interfaces and also because the ixgbevf driver for the Intel NIC 82599 SR-IOV on AWS does not provide the API required for the 10 Gbps SR-IOV interfaces.

  • Adding or deleting a network interface when a vNIOS for AWS instance is powered on, can result in unexpected behavior. you must first power off the instance, add or delete the interface, and then start the instance.

  • Changing the instance type of a vNIOS for AWS instance from an R4 EC2 shape to R6 can impact the services enabled on the instance as changing the shape refreshes the hardware ID (HWID)/serial number of the instance that is used to generate licenses.

  • You cannot change the LAN1 private IP address in vNIOS for AWS.

  • Limitations related to high availability (HA):

    • vNIOS for AWS instances do not support HA configuration over IPv6 networks.

    • vNIOS for AWS instances do not support HA setup with nodes on different cloud platforms, regions, or hosts.

    • The time taken for an HA failover can vary depending on the response time from the host.

    • vNIOS for AWS does not support automatic upgrade of software (NIOS) on an HA node If the node is running on a version of NIOS that is prior to 9.0.4.

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