IPv4 Shared Network
Field Name | Data Type | Required (Yes/No) | Associated GUI Field | Associated PAPI Method | Usage and Guidelines |
Header-SharedNetwork | String | Yes | Example: SharedNetwork | ||
name | String | Yes | Name | name | Example: Site Network |
_new_name | String | No | Add this field to overwrite the name field when you select the overwrite or merge option. | ||
networks | List | Yes | Example: ",," Note that you must first create the IPv4 networks and before designating them to the shared network. | ||
network_view | String | No | Network View | network_view | If no view is specified, the Default view is used. Example: Default |
is_authoritative | Boolean | No | Authoritative | authority | Example: FALSE |
option_logic_filters | List of IPv4 logic filter rules | Filter Type/Action | Examples: | ||
boot_file | String | No | Boot File | bootfile | Example: bootfile1 |
boot_server | String | No | Boot Server | bootserver | Example: abc.corp100.com |
comment | String | No | Comment | comment | |
generate_hostname | Boolean | No | Generate Hostname | ddns_generate_hostname | Example: TRUE |
always_update_dns | Boolean | No | DNS Zones Associations | ddns_server_always_updates | Example: FALSE |
update_static_leases | Boolean | No | Fixed Address Updates | ddns_update_fixed_address | Example: FALSE |
update_dns_on_lease_renewal | Boolean | No | Update DNS on DHCP Lease Renewal | override_update_dns_on_lease_renewal | Example: TRUE |
ddns_ttl | Integer | No | DDNS Update TTL | ddns_ttl | This is an inherited field. Example: 1200 |
enable_option81 | Boolean | No | Option 81 Support | ddns_use_option Example: TRUE 81 | |
deny_bootp | Boolean | No | Deny BOOTP Requests | deny_bootp | Example: FALSE |
disabled | Boolean | No | Disable | disable | Example: FALSE |
enable_ddns | Boolean | No | Enable DDNS Updates | enable_ddns | Example: FALSE |
ignore_client_requested_options | Boolean | No | Ignore Optionlist | ignore_dhcp_option_list_request | Example: TRUE |
next_server | String | No | Next Server | nextserver | Example: blue.domain.com |
lease_time | Unsigned integer | No | Lease Time | Example: 1100 | |
enable_pxe_lease_time | Boolean | No | Enable PXE time | lease | Example: FALSE |
pxe_lease_time | Unsigned integer | No | PXE Lease Time | pxe_lease_time | Example: 1100 |
routers | IP address list | No | routers | Example: "," | |
domain_name | FQDN | No | Domain Name | domain_name | |
domain_name_servers | IP address list | No | Name Server | Example: "," | |
OPTION-2 | Integer | No | Custom DHCP Options | options | Example: 50 |
OPTION-1 | No | Custom DHCP Options | options | This is an example of a DHCP option. For information, see Data Specific Guidelines . | |
OPTION-XXXX-200 | Option information | No | Extensible Attribute Site | options | This is an example of a DHCP option. For information, see Data Specific Guidelines . |
EA-Site | String | No | Extensible Attribute Users | extensible attributes | EA-Site is an example of a predefined extensible attribute. You can add other predefined attributes to the data file. For information about data format and examples, see Data Specific Guidelines. |
EA-Users | String | No | Permissions Admin Group/Role | extensible attributes | extensible EA-Users is an example of a user defined |
ADMGRP-JoeSmith | String | No | Permissions Admin Group/Role | permission | ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an admin permission of a specific admin group. For information about data format and examples, see Data Specific Guidelines. |
This section contains examples of how to create data files for shared networks. All examples use comma as the separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.
Adding an IPv4 Shared Network
This example shows how to import a new shared Network in the Default DHCP view.
header-SharedNetwork,name*,networks*,network_view,comment,OPTION-2 SharedNetwork,Sharednetwork01,",",Default,This is a comment.,128
Overwriting IPv4 Shared Network Data
This example shows how to overwrite a shared network with additional networks.
header-SharedNetwork,name*,networks* SharedNetwork,Sharednetwork01,",,"
Merging IPv4 Shared Network Data
This example shows how to merge the extensible attribute Site and a new admin group DHCP_admins with RW permission to an IPv4 shared network.
header-SharedNetwork,name*,networks*,EA-Site,ADMGRP-DHCP_admins SharedNetwork,Sharednetwork01,",",USA,RW