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Using the Interface Live Viewer

The Interface Live Viewer allows you to view and track traffic and event trends for any chosen network interface, and save chart data and images for the results. the Interface Live Viewer displays near-real-time graphs for the following interface properties:

  • Throughput in / utilization in
  • Throughput out / utilization out

Throughput/Utilization graphs depend on the Display Mode setting; choosing Rate displays throughput, choosing Percent displays utilization.

  • Broadcast in
  • Broadcast out
  • Errors in
  • Errors out
  • Discards in
  • Discards out

To access the Interface Live Viewer, complete the following:

1. Right-click any interface hyperlink, then click Interface Live Viewer in the pop-up menu.
Or, in the Interface Viewer, click the Viewer Tools icon, and then click Live Viewer... in the drop-down menu.
Or, in the Interface Viewer –> Performance section –> Charts page (which displays static data), click the Live Viewer link next to the Measure field.

Within the graph, you can perform the following:

  • To see underlying data at a specific time, hover over that time in the graph.
  • To hide or show a line, click the box to the left of the name in the legend below the graph.

If too many lines make it difficult to interpret the graph, hide lines having less value by clicking the colored check-box for any data type, at the bottom of the chart window.

To hide or show data callouts within the graph, complete the following:

  • In the graph, click the line for which you want to hide/show data.
  • Or in the legend, click the respective name (underlined = data callout displayed, name not underlined = data callout hidden) in the Interface Live Viewer's control bar (above the graph).
  • To change the time period shown in the graph, select the time in the Display Window drop-down list.

The display window of 5 or 15 minutes is based on an ideal polling frequency as defined in the Live Interface Poll Frequency setting (Settings icon –> General Settings –> Advanced Settings). The display window depends on the following factors:

  • The load on the device being polled.
  • The load on the appliance polling the device.
  • The network round trip time between the device and NetMRI.

Note that the actual display window time may be longer than the value selected in the Display Window drop-down list.

  • To view historical data, click Show History at the left end of the control bar. In the Show Historical Data dialog box, specify the day and time for the historical data's starting point. Historical data is always shown in a 15 minute window.
  • To pause the display (this does not pause the underlying data collection), click the Pause button.
  • To resume playing the display (after pausing), click the Play button.


If the display remains paused after 24 hours, the data collection will stop.

  • To change the vertical axis units, select the desired units in the Display Mode drop-down list.
  • To export data used to create the graph, click the CSV Export button.
  • To export the graph as an image, click the Image Export button.

Interface Live Viewer settings

Two settings for the Interface Live Viewer are provided in the Settings icon –> General Settings –> Advanced Settings page under Data Collection:

  • Live Interface Poll Frequency: Sets the SNMP polling frequency (5 seconds to 60 seconds in 5 second increments).
  • Live Interface Poller Limit: Sets the maximum number of interface pollers that can run simultaneously (1 to 10).

The polling engine continues to run for 15 cycles (where one cycle = Live Interface Poll Frequency) after the Interface Live Viewer window is closed. If you reopen the Interface Live Viewer before the 16th cycle, you will see live data collected during that time. If reopened after the 15th cycle, the Interface Live Viewer will start displaying a fresh data set.