Coming Soon to NIOS DDI
This topic includes upcoming features and enhancements for NIOS in October 2024.
Ansible Plug-In 1.7.0: Improves Automation and User Experience
Improve NIOS workload automation with the latest Ansible Plug-In, including extensible attribute inheritance support for Ansible NIOS modules. It enables object filter configuration and range parameter update capabilities for next IP address retrieval for continuity, improved user experience, automation, and control.
Terraform IPAM Plug-In 2.8.0: Extends Automation and DNS Control
NIOS introduces the next Terraform IPAM Plug-In 2.8.0, including support for DNS delegation to divide DNS zones into smaller, more manageable parts and for enhancing user management permissions. It also reduces the load on primary DNS servers for better performance and increases flexibility in configuring DNS subdomain settings. This Terraform Plug-In further provides next available IP address automation based on extensible attribute tagging for easier management, performance, flexibility, and control.
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Please note that future functionality and releases described in this communication are subject to change.