Changing DC Power Supplies

Changing DC Power Supplies

In its DC power configuration, the Trinzic 1410, Trinzic 1420 and ND-1400 appliances ship with two redundant, auto-switching DC power supplies. The power supplies are "hot-swappable," so you can remove or replace one power supply without interrupting appliance operation and network services.
Figure 18 Removing a Trinzic 1410/Trinzic 1420/ND-1400 DC Power Supply

To replace a DC power supply, do the following:

  1. Disconnect the DC power cable from the power outlet on the external transformer.
  2. Disconnect the power cable from the power supply.
  3. Gently push back the blue catch-release lever toward the handle, grip the power supply handle, and pull the power supply unit out of the chassis as illustrated in Figure 18.
  4. Place the replacement power supply into the bay and push it forward until it is fully seated in the chassis. The red catch-release lever will gently click into place.
  5. Reconnect the power cable. If the power supply is seated and operating, the LED glows steady green.