infoblox_dtc_lbdn Resource
The infoblox_dtc_lbdn
resource enables you to perform create, update, and delete operations on a DTC LBDN in a NIOS appliance. The resource represents the ‘dtc:lbdn’ WAPI object in NIOS. For more information related to the DTC LBDN object, see Managing DNS Traffic Control LBDNs in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.
The following table describes the parameters you can define in the infoblox_dtc_lbdn
resource block:
Parameter | Required/Optional | Description |
| Required | Specifies the desired name of the DTC LBDN as shown in the NIOS appliance. The name has the same requirements as the corresponding parameter in WAPI. |
| Optional | Specifies the list of authoritative zones linked to the DTC LBDN object.
| Optional | Determines whether the automatic management of DTC consolidated monitors is enabled on the the related DTC pool. |
| Optional | Determines whether the DTC LBDN object is enabled or disabled. |
| Required | Specifies the load balancing method that is used to select the pool. You can set it to one of the following methods:
| Optional | Specifies the LBDN wildcards that can be used for matching the patterns. |
| Optional | Specifies the maximum time in seconds, for which the client specific LBDN responses can be cached. |
| Optional | Specifies the list of pools, which are collections of load balanced servers, associated with the DTC LBDN.
| Optional | Specifies the LBDN-pattern-match priority for “overlapping” DTC LBDN objects. LBDNs are considered “overlapping” if they are simultaneously assigned to a zone and have patterns that can match the same FQDN. The matching LBDN with highest priority (lowest ordinal) will be used. |
| Optional | Specifies the topology rules for the load balancing method |
| Required | Specifies the list of resource record types supported by the LBDN.
| Optional | Specifies the Time to Live value for the LBDN. There is no default value for this parameter. |
| Optional | Describes the DTC LBDN. |
| Optional | Specifies the set of NIOS extensible attributes that will be attached to the DTC LBDN. |
Example of DTC LBDN Resource
// creating LBDN record with minimal set of parameters
resource "infoblox_dtc_lbdn" "lbdn_minimal_parameters" {
name = "testLbdn2"
lb_method = "ROUND_ROBIN"
types = ["A", "AAAA"]
// creating LBDN record with full set of parameters
resource "infoblox_dtc_lbdn" "lbdn_full_set_parameters" {
name = "testLbdn1"
auth_zones {
fqdn = ""
dns_view = "default.view2"
auth_zones {
fqdn = ""
dns_view = "default"
auth_zones {
fqdn = ""
dns_view = "default.dnsview1"
comment = "test"
ext_attrs = jsonencode({
"Location" = "65.8665701230204, -37.00791763398113"
lb_method = "TOPOLOGY"
patterns = ["", ""]
pools {
pool = "pool2"
ratio = 2
pools {
pool = "rrpool"
ratio = 3
pools {
pool = "test-pool"
ratio = 6
ttl = 120
topology = "test-topo"
disable = true
types = ["A", "AAAA", "CNAME"]
persistence = 60
priority = 1