infoblox_dtc_server Resource
The infoblox_dtc_server
resource enables you to perform create, update, and delete operations on a DTC server in a NIOS appliance. The resource represents the ‘dtc:server’ WAPI object in NIOS. For more information related to the DTC server object, see Managing DNS Traffic Control Servers in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.
The following table describes the parameters you can define in the infoblox_dtc_server
resource block:
Parameter | Required/Optional | Description |
| Required | Specifies the desired name of the DTC server as shown in the NIOS appliance. The name has the same requirements as the corresponding parameter in WAPI. |
| Required | Specifies the address or the FQDN of the DTC server. |
| Optional | Determines whether the DTC server object is enabled or disabled. |
| Optional | Specifies the list of IP addresses or FQDN and monitor pairs to be used for additional monitoring.
| Optional | Determines whether a single read-only A, AAAA, or a CNAME record corresponding to the configured host name must be automatically created or updated when the resource block is run. According to the host name specified, a record is created as follows:
The default value is |
| Optional | Determines whether a host name for Server Name Indication (SNI) must be used. |
| Optional | Specifies the host name for Server Name Indication (SNI) in FQDN format. You must set |
| Optional | Describes the DTC server. |
| Optional | Specifies the set of NIOS extensible attributes that will be attached to the DTC server. |
Example of DTC Server Resource
//creating DTC server with SNI host and monitors defined
resource "infoblox_dtc_server" "server"{
name = ""
host = ""
comment = "testing server terraform"
sni_hostname = ""
use_sni_hostname = true
monitors {
host = ""
monitor_name = "sip"
monitor_type = "sip"
ext_attrs = jsonencode({
"Site" = "Blr"
auto_create_host_record = true