infoblox_zone_forward Resource

infoblox_zone_forward Resource

The infoblox_zone_forward resource enables you to perform create, update, and delete operations on forward zones in a Infoblox NIOS appliance. A forward zone is where DNS queries are sent to before they are forwarded to name servers for resolution. You can configure the zone with one or multiple name servers to resolve queries for the zone. Additionally, you can assign one or more external name servers as default forwarders. The default forwarders can be overridden with custom forwarders using the use_override_forwarders option. The infoblox_zone_forward resource corresponds to the ‘zone_forward’ WAPI object in NIOS.

For more information about forward zones, refer to the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.

The following table describes the parameters you can define in the infoblox_zone_forward resource block:









Specifies the name of the DNS zone in FQDN format.
For a forward reverse-mapping zone, specify the IP address in CIDR format. This value can be in Unicode format.

  • Reverse-mapping zone:

  • Forward-mapping zone: zone1.com

Note that once the zone is created, the zone name (fqdn) cannot be updated.



Specifies the name of the DNS view in which the forward zone should exist.
If a value is not specified, default is considered as the DNS view name.



Determines the format of the DNS zone.
Possible values are: FORWARD, IPV4, and IPV6.
The default value is FORWARD.


Required if external_ns_group is not configured


Specifies the information of the default zone forwarders to which you want the NIOS appliance to forward queries for a specified zone.

To define the servers individually, configure the following required parameters for each server:

  • address: Specifies the IP address of the remote name server to which you want the appliance to forward queries.

  • name: Specifies the domain name for the remote name server to which you want the appliance to forward queries for the specified domain name.

Note: You must configure either the external_ns_group or forward_to parameter. If both the parameters are configured, settings of external_ns_group takes precedence.


Required if forward_to is not configured

Specifies the forward/stub server name server group that must be assigned to the zone. Specify a group that has required members added to it.





Specifies the information of the forwarding members to which you want the NIOS appliance to forward queries for a specified zone.
You can configure the NIOS appliance to use default forwarders or override them to use custom forwarders.
Configure the following parameters for a name server individually:

  • name (required): The name of the remote server to which you want the NIOS appliance to forward queries in FQDN format.

  • forwarders_only (optional): Determines whether the appliance sends queries to forwarders only, and not to other internal or Internet root servers.
    The default value is false.

  • use_override_forwarders (optional): Determines whether the appliance sends queries to custom name servers.
    The default value is false, which means default forwarders will be used.

  • forward_to (optional): Specifies the information for the custom forwarder to which you want the Infoblox appliance to forward queries for a specified zone when use_override_forwarders is set to true.

    • address: The IP address of the remote name server to which you want the Infoblox appliance to forward queries for a specified zone.

    • name: The name of the remote name server to which you want the Infoblox appliance to forward queries for a specified zone.

Note: If you intend to configure the optional parameters, either define forwarding_servers or ns_group. If both the parameters are configured, settings of ns_group takes precedence.




Specifies the forwarding member name server group that must be assigned for the zone. Specify a group that has required forwarding members added to it.



Determines whether the zone is disabled.
The default value is false, which means the zone is enabled by default.



Determines whether the appliance sends queries to forwarders only to resolve domain names in the zone and not to other internal or Internet root servers.
The default value is false.



Describes the authoritative DNS zone.



Specifies the set of NIOS extensible attributes that will be attached to the DNS view.

Examples of Zone Forward Resource

//forward mapping zone, with minimum set of parameters
resource "infoblox_zone_forward" "forward_zone_forwardTo" {
fqdn = "min_params.ex.org"
forward_to {
name = "test22.dz.ex.com"
address = ""
forward_to {
name = "test2.dz.ex.com"
address = ""


//forward zone with full set of parameters
resource "infoblox_zone_forward" "forward_zone_full_parameters" {
fqdn = "max_params.ex.org"
view = "nondefault_view"
zone_format = "FORWARD"
comment = "test sample forward zone"
forward_to {
name = "te32.dz.ex.com"
address = ""
forwarding_servers {
name = "infoblox.172_28_83_216"
forwarders_only = true
use_override_forwarders = false
forward_to {
name = "cc.fwd.com"
address = ""
forwarding_servers {
name = "infoblox.172_28_83_0"
forwarders_only = true
use_override_forwarders = true
forward_to {
name = "kk.fwd.com"
address = ""


//forward zone with ns_group and external_ns_group
resource "infoblox_zone_forward" "forward_zone_nsGroup_externalNsGroup" {
fqdn = "params_ns_ens.ex.org"
ns_group = "test"
external_ns_group = "stub server"


//forward zone with forwarding_servers and forward_to
resource "infoblox_zone_forward" "forward_zone_forwardTo_forwardingServers" {
fqdn = "params_fs_ft.ex.org"
forward_to {
name = "test22.dz.ex.com"
address = ""
forward_to {
name = "test2.dz.ex.com"
address = ""
forwarding_servers {
name = "infoblox.172_28_83_0"
forwarders_only = true
use_override_forwarders = true
forward_to {
name = "kk.fwd.com"
address = ""


//forward zone IPV4 reverse mapping zone
resource "infoblox_zone_forward" "forward_zone_IPV4_nsGroup_externalNsGroup_comment" {
fqdn = ""
comment = "Forward zone IPV4"
external_ns_group = "stub server"
zone_format = "IPV4"
ns_group = "test"


//forward zone IPV6 reverse mapping zone
resource "infoblox_zone_forward" "forward_zone_IPV6_forwardTo_forwardingServers" {
fqdn = "3001:db8::/64"
comment = "Forward zone IPV6"
zone_format = "IPV6"
forward_to {
name = "test22.dz.ex.com"
address = ""
forward_to {
name = "test2.dz.ex.com"
address = ""
forwarding_servers {
name = "infoblox.172_28_83_0"
forwarders_only = true
use_override_forwarders = true
forward_to {
name = "kk.fwd.com"
address = ""

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