Appendix B Infoblox IPAM Properties

Appendix B Infoblox IPAM Properties

The following table provides descriptions of the Infoblox IPAM properties used for VMs:

Infoblox.IPAM.createHostRecordIf TRUE, only the host record is created.
Infoblox.IPAM.createAddressRecordIf TRUE, the A record is created.

If TRUE, the PTR record which is associated with the A record is

Infoblox.IPAM.createFixedAddressIf TRUE, the fixed address is created.
Infoblox.IPAM.createReservationIf TRUE, the reservation is created.

If TRUE, the DHCP service in NIOS is automatically restarted if this is required by NIOS configuration.
Enabling this property affects DHCP records: fixed addresses, reservations, and host records with the Enable DHCP option turned on. If you create address and PTR records, enabling this property has
no effect.
For a list of operations requiring a DHCP service restart, see Appendix E, "Operations Requiring Service Restart".


List of aliases for the host record of network interface X in the FQDN

Infoblox.IPAM.NetworkX.enableDhcpEnables the DHCP flag for the host record of network interface X
Infoblox.IPAM.NetworkX.enableDnsEnables the DNS flag for the host record of network interface X.

DNS view in which the host record or DNS record of network interface X will be created.
The DNS view property should contain DNS zones specified in the DHCP options of networks and ranges selected in the appropriate network profile. If the DNS view is not specified in the property group by default, IPAM Plug-In generates the default DNS view value based on the template "default.<network view>". When the default network view is selected in the network profile or if the network view (the address space in the vRA terminology) is not specified, the default DNS view from NIOS will be used (typically associated with the default network view).

Infoblox.IPAM.NetworkX.msDhcpServerMicrosoft DHCP server for the fixed address of network interface X.
Infoblox.IPAM.NetworkX.commentComment for the record of network interface X.

Note: Infoblox recommends you to use the Create Property Group workflow to create a custom property group required for your configuration. It can help avoid problems with irrelevant settings in the Infoblox property group. For more information, see Create Property Group Workflow.

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