Installing Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware
Download and install the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator file as described in this topic.
Downloading the Installation files
To download the zipped archive files for Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware from the Infoblox support site, perform the following steps:
Log in to the Infoblox Support site.
On the Download Center tab, under Download Categories, click NIOS Cloud Adapters.
Expand NIOS Cloud Adapter for VMware and click the download button next to the following name:
NIOS Aria Automation Orchestrator IPAM Plug-in V 6.2.0 to download the file for VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator.
NIOS Aria Automation Assembler IPAM Provider Package V 6.2.0 to download the file for VMware Aria Automation.
When prompted, accept the license agreement, and then click Download.
Installing IPAM Plug-In for VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator
Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator is delivered as a zipped archive file containing the plug-in installation file o11nplugin-ipam.dar.
To install the plug-in, complete the following steps:
Extract the archive file of the plug-in to a folder on your system.
Log in to the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator Control Center.
On the home page, click Manage Plug-Ins.
On the Manage Plug-Ins page, click BROWSE.
In the File upload dialog, select the .dar (o11nplugin-ipam.dar) file for the version you need to install, and then click Open.
Click Install.
To confirm, click Install again.
The orchestrator server restarts automatically to apply the changes. The Infoblox IPAM Plug-In appears in the list of installed plug-ins.If the Infoblox IPAM plug-in is not already enabled, click the Enable plug-in option.
When prompted, click Save Changes.
Installing IPAM Plug-In for VMware Aria Automation
You must create an integration in the VMware Aria Automation Assembler to integrate the assembler with the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware Aria Automation.
As a prerequisite, download the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware Aria Automation package. The plug-in is delivered as a zipped archive file
To create an integration, complete the following steps:
Log in to the VMware Aria Automation Cloud Services Console.
In the My Services section, click Assembler.
On the Infrastructure tab, select Connections -> Integrations.
The Integrations page is displayed.Click ADD INTEGRATION.
On the Integration Types page, select IPAM as the type.
In the New Integration wizard, complete the following:
Name: Enter a name for your integration.
Description: Type a description.
Provider: As a one-time configuration, you must add a provider for the Infoblox IPAM plug-in for VMware. Then, click the Provider search bar and select the provider that you added.
To add a provider:Click MANAGE IPAM PROVIDERS.
In the Manage IPAM Providers dialog box, click IMPORT PROVIDER PACKAGE.
In the File Upload dialog box, browse and select the Infoblox IPAM plug-in (.zip) file that you downloaded.
Click OPEN.
After the file loads, click CLOSE.
Selecting the provider displays additional fields and the list of default Infoblox endpoint properties. Complete the following for establishing an endpoint connection using WAPI:
Username: Enter the user name of the account used to access the NIOS Grid.
Password: Enter the password of the account used to access the NIOS Grid.
Hostname: Enter the host name of the NIOS server.
(Optional) Click the + symbol and add custom endpoint properties.
For the list of supported endpoint properties and more information about custom endpoint properties, see the Infoblox Endpoint Properties section.Click Validate.
This triggers the action InfobloxIPAM_ValidateEndpoint that validates the certificate with the specified host.If you are prompted with an untrusted certificate message, click Accept to accept the NIOS self-signed certificate.
Wait for the 'Credentials validated successfully' message to display, and then click Add to create the integration.
The plug-in starts to run the extensibility action Infoblox_GetIPRanges.
To view the progress:
On the Infrastructure tab -> Connections -> Integrations page, click OPEN on the integration you created.
View the progress under Status.
Once the integration is created and the synchronization of data between VMware Aria Automation and NIOS completes, the status 'Data collection is completed' is displayed.
Infoblox Endpoint Properties
The following table provides descriptions of the Infoblox properties that you can define in the Infoblox IPAM endpoint:
Property | Description |
Infoblox.IPAM.APIType | The API type for the master connection and failover connections. This can be WAPI or Cloud API. |
Infoblox.IPAM.EndpointX.Hostname | The hostname for a failover connection. |
Infoblox.IPAM.EndpointX.Username | The user name for a failover connection. |
Infoblox.IPAM.EndpointX.Password | The password for a failover connection. |
Infoblox.IPAM.GetIPRanges.maxResults | The maximum number of results retrieved from NIOS when searching for network ranges. |
The value of the failover variable X in the property name can be in the range 1-4, which means, you can configure up to four failover connections in a VMware Aria Automation integration and the variable value sets their priority.
When you create a VMware Aria Automation integration, you specify the master connection that VMware Aria Automation uses for communicating with NIOS. Additionally, you can specify up to four connections for failover and the API type by defining custom endpoint properties. All connections use the same API type specified in the properties for interaction with NIOS.
For more information, also see the Notes on Cloud Network Automation Connectivity section.
To define failover connections, add custom endpoint properties to an integration as follows:
In the VMware Aria Automation Assembler console, on the Infrastructure tab, select Connections -> Integrations.
Open the integration to which you want to add custom endpoint properties.
Click the + symbol.
If you want to create a connection using the cloud API, then enter the name-value pair for the API type in the displayed dialog box:
Infoblox.IPAM.APIType = Cloud API.
Note:For a cloud API connection, you must enter the credentials of the cloud API user account and host name of the cloud platform member or the Grid Master.
For the WAPI API type, the custom property Infoblox.IPAM.APIType is optional. If the property is not defined, WAPI API is used by default.
Click APPLY.
Add a failover connection in the following way:
Click the + symbol and enter the name-value pair for the host name of the NIOS connection for failover, and then click APPLY.
Example: Infoblox.IPAM.Endpoint1.Hostname = IP address or FQDN.Click the + symbol and enter the name-value pair for the user name: Infoblox.IPAM.Endpoint1.Username = username. Then, click APPLY.
Click the + symbol and enter the name-value pair for the password: Infoblox.IPAM.Endpoint1.Password = password. Then, click APPLY.
If necessary, add more failover connections as described in the previous step. Use numbering in the failover name (1 to 4) to define the failover priority.
If you want to modify the default number of network ranges to retrieve for the network profile, define the custom property Infoblox.IPAM.GetIPRanges.maxResults:
Click the + symbol and enter the name-value pair for the property: Infoblox.IPAM.GetIPRanges.maxResults= custom value.
Note that by default, Infoblox IPAM Plug-In retrieves up to 1000 networks and ranges from NIOS while searching for network ranges to be added to the network profile. You can modify the max number by using the Infoblox.IPAM.GetIPRanges.maxResults property. You may also use additional filters for network ranges to narrow down the number of results and finally be able to select the required network ranges. For more information, see Using IP Range Filters.Click APPLY.
Click SAVE.
Notes on Cloud Network Automation Connectivity
Consider the NIOS appliance to which you must connect the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware. To use the Cloud Network Automation feature, you can connect to the Grid Master (if it is using the Cloud Network Automation license) or to a designated Cloud Platform Appliance (with the correct licensing) as necessary for your deployment. For more information, see the chapter Deploying Cloud Network Automation in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.
See the following table to know which API (WAPI or Cloud API) must be used to support Cloud Network Automation and what connection options are supported:
API Type | Cloud Network Automation UI | Connection Support | Tenant Object | Cloud EA | Admin Group |
WAPI | No | GM/GMC (Failover only) | No | No | Any |
Cloud API | Yes | GM/GMC (Failover Only) and/or Cloud Platform Appliance | Yes | Yes | cloud-api-only |
* Only some cloud extensible attributes can be accessed through WAPI. This requires setting cloud extensible attributes to read-only mode for cloud members.