Cisco Command Tool
Cisco Command Tool
Use the Cisco Command tool (Tools icon > Device section > Cisco Command) to issue Cisco commands to a specified device and view the results in the browser.
To issue a Cisco command, do the following:
- In the Command field, type the command you want to send.
- Open the Hostname or IP list and select the target device.
Type a few beginning characters of the host name or IP address to narrow the list. - Open the Network View list and choose the network view containing the specified Cisco device.
- Specify a Login Mode:
Automatic: Attempt to retrieve a valid user name, password and enable password for the specified device. If this information cannot be found, an error is generated.
Manual: Select the Access Protocol (SSH or Telnet), then enter the Username, Password and Enable Password in the corresponding fields. - Click Start. Results appear in an Executing Cisco Command popup window.
- To run the test again: click Restart in the Executing Cisco Command popup window.
- To run a new test: click Close.
- To export the data: Click Download Text.
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