Using the IP Address Context Menu
Using the IP Address Context Menu
Right-clicking any IP address in a NetMRI list or table, such as in the Discovery page or a Devices list, opens a context menu for quick access to more functions. The menu contains the following commands:
- Device Viewer: Opens the Device Viewer to the default Network Analysis > Issues tab, which lists issues for the device.
- Config Explorer: Opens the Device Viewer to the Device Viewer > Config Management > Config Archive tab, which lists configuration files collected from the device.
- View Running Config: Opens a window to display the configuration currently running on the device.
- Changes: Opens the Device Viewer to the Device Viewer > Network Analysis > Changes tab, which lists detected changes to the device's configuration file.
- Issue List: Opens the Device Viewer to the Device Viewer > Network Analysis > Issues tab, which lists issues for the device.
- Policy Compliance: Opens the Device Viewer to the Device Viewer > Network Analysis > Policy Compliance, which lists policies run against the device, and the outcomes of those policies. For more details, see Introducing Policy Compliance.
- Topology Viewer: This submenu allows viewing of devices in the context of various topologies: L2 n Hop, L3 n Hop, L3 Path Viewer (most likely path), and L2/L3 Path Viewer (most likely path).
- Schedule Job: Opens the Edit Job dialog for specifying a job to run on the current device. Note that you can also include other devices and groups.
- Execute Command: Opens the Run Configuration Command Script dialog, where you can specify and submit a command to run on the device.
- Open Telnet/SSH Session: Opens a new terminal session for the selected device through NetMRI using either SSH or Telnet.
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