Notification Variables
Use notification variables to build the subject line and message body of all notification types; email notifications are a prominent example. Notification variables consist of the following:
Variable | Description | Message Type |
| Country for which NetMRI unit is configured. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| Maximum number of devices the current NetMRI appliance is licensed to monitor. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| For summary: | Summary, Non-Summary |
| HTML: an event summary table. Plain Text: a comma separated list. For issues: lists severity, issue type, number of instances, and date/time. For changes: lists change type, number of instances, and date/time. | Summary |
| Object that triggered the event (see additional information below). | Summary, Non-Summary |
| Maximum number of interfaces this NetMRI instance is licensed to monitor. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| Name assigned to a job definition. | Non-Summary |
| Descriptive text (if any) given to the job definition (so it may not match what is shown in NetMRI). | Non-Summary |
| List of devices selected by job author. Shown by device name if non-blank, then by device IP address. If job author has not selected any devices, the text "No individual devices selected" appears. | Non-Summary |
| List of devices, selected by job author, where the job runs. If the job author has not selected any device groups, the text "No device groups selected" appears. | Non-Summary |
| Script that the job will run. | Non-Summary |
| Level of script specified in $JobScriptName. | Non-Summary |
| Message provided by job notification (internally built by NetMRI): "Job completed successfully." | Non-Summary |
| The job status at notification time. (This can change if the job reruns, either per schedule or rerun by the user.) | Non-Summary |
| NetMRI appliance model number. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| Name of the network monitored by NetMRI. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| Date when the notification was processed (see additional information below). | Summary, Non-Summary |
| NetMRI appliance serial number. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| URL of server running NetMRI. An HTML notification will provide a link to the server. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| Name of server running NetMRI. An HTML notification will provide a link to the server. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| The name of the severity Type for the reported notification. Three valid values are used by NetMRI: Error, Warning and Info. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| Time zone specified in NetMRI configuration. | Summary, Non-Summary |
| Provides brief information about the event; this variable can be useful as the e-mail subject. Does not state the concerned device. $Title is different for each notification category:
| Summary, Non-Summary |
| Total number of processed events. | Summary |
| Total number of unique Type IDs. Notifications have a Type ID, which is a string of up to 255 characters in length; numerous notifications with the same Type ID can be counted in the summary if a summary is sent. | Summary |
| The NetMRI version number. | Summary, Non-Summary |
The $Identifier variable: NetMRI builds $Identifier
to identify the object that triggered the event. If the name of the device can be determined, it will appear first. An IP address or MAC address follows in parentheses (see Alternative 1 below). If no name exists, the notification shows the IP or MAC address (see Alternative 2). For a VLAN, if the event does not deal with a specific device, the identifier uses the VLAN name (see Alternative 3). In all cases, if the message is formatted in HTML, NetMRI adds links in the body of the message to enable access to the object.
Alternative 1: <device name> (<device IP or MAC address)
Alternative 2: <device IP or MAC address>
Alternative 3: <VLAN name>
The $RunDate variable: $RunDate is useful as part of summary notifications, which run at set intervals (hourly, daily, monthly, etc.) and collect all events that happened since the last time NetMRI sent the notification. Because the gap is larger between Issue/Change Timestamps and the notification RunDate, $RunDate is more useful in the summary case.
Example: You set up a monthly notification on Interface Down issues. Suppose two of those issues fire on the 15th and the notification fires on the first of the next month. 14, 15, or 16 days elapse between the Issue Timestamp and when the notification was processed.
is less useful for non-summary notifications, because notifications process every few minutes; there is a minimal difference between the Issue/Change Timestamp and the RunDate.