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CLI Commands

The basic Infoblox CLI commands are alphabetically listed in the following table.

CLI Command


?Displays the help information.
ddns_addSends DDNS updates to add records.
ddns_deleteSends DDNS updates to delete records.
deleteDeletes specific files.
digPerforms a DNS lookup and prints the results.
dns_a_record_deleteDelete a DNS A record
exitExits the command interpreter.
helpDisplays the help information.
pingSends ICMP ECHO requests to verify that the host is functioning properly.
quitExits the command interpreter.
rebootReboots the Infoblox appliance.
resetResets the system settings.
rotateRotates specific files.
setSets the current system settings. This command has other related commands.
showShows the current system settings. This command has other related commands.
shutdownShuts down the Infoblox appliance.
tracerouteDisplays the path or route diagnostic information of the IPv4/IPv6 packets.

reset , set , and show commands each have related commands. To view a complete list of the related commands on the remote console , go to the command prompt and enter help set or help show .

Using CLI Help

You can display a list of available CLI commands by typing help at the command prompt. For example:

> help

?                    Display help
ddns_add             Send DDNS update to add a record
ddns_delete          Send DDNS update to delete a record
delete               Delete files
dig                  Perform a DNS lookup and print the results
dns_a_record_delete  Delete a DNS A record
exit                 Exit command interpreter
help                 Display help
ping                 Send ICMP ECHO
quit                 Exit command interpreter
reboot               Reboot device
reset                Reset system settings
rotate               Rotate files
set                  Set current system settings
show                 Show current system settings
shutdown             Shutdown device
traceroute           Route path diagnostic

To view a detailed explanation about a CLI command and its syntax, type help <command> after the command prompt. For example:

> help rotate


rotate log [ syslog | debug | audit | ifmapserver]
rotate file groupname filename [ filename2, filename3, ...]


Rotates the specified log file, up to 10 previous.
logfiles will be preserved