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DHCP Dashboards

This section details the dashboards of DHCP dashboards category. For more information on operations that can be performed on reporting dashboards, see About Dashboards.

The dashboards covered in this section are as follows.

Device Class Trend

The Device Class Trend dashboard provides trends for the top device classes used by remote clients in a given time frame. The default dashboard displays line graphs for the top device classes used by remote clients over the last 24 hours. Each of the device class is represented with a different color line graph.

Device Fingerprint Change Detected

The Device Fingerprint Change Detected dashboard provides information about the devices whose fingerprint data gets changed in a given time frame. In other words, this dashboard includes all devices used by remote clients that were detected to have the same Mac address but different device class in a given time frame.
The following example illustrates how the fingerprint data can change in a given time frame:
A client device having dual boot option may request for an IP address while switching between operating systems, resulting in a change of fingerprint data and if a client's device uses Mac Boot Camp, the mac address remains unchanged, but fingerprint data changes when it switches operating system.


The Device Fingerprint Change Detected report includes all devices whose fingerprint data has been changed within the last seven days. It ignores devices whose fingerprint data has been changed for more than seven days.

This dashboard displays a table that contains the following information:

  • Time: The time the lease was obtained.
  • Mac/DUID: The Mac address or DUID of the client's device.
  • Current Device Type: The current fingerprint description of the device.
  • Current Device Class: The current fingerprint class of the device.
  • Previous Device Type: The fingerprint description of the device before changing the fingerprint data.
  • Previous Device Class: The fingerprint class of the device before changing the fingerprint data.
  • Lease IP: The lease IP address of the device.
  • Action: The current status of the lease. The lease status can be one of the following: IssuedRenewedFreed, or Abandoned.

Device Trend

The Device Trend dashboard provides trends for the top operating systems used by remote clients in a given time frame. The default dashboard displays line graphs for the top 10 operating systems used by remote clients over the last 24 hours. Each of the operating system is represented with a different color line graph. For more information about DHCP fingerprint detection, see About DHCP Fingerprints.

DHCP Lease History

The DHCP Lease History dashboard provides DHCP lease history in a given time frame. The search of the DHCP Lease History report is scheduled hourly by default.
DHCP Lease History reports can impose heavier system loads than for other alert types in the NIOS system. Avoid defining too many personal reports or alerts of this type for Grid reporting. Other types of reports do not impose significant performance restrictions. Also see Configuring IP Blocks and IP Block Groups for methods to avoid this issue. You can drill down to the IP address of the lease and view user history for the selected IP address. 


When you join a new member to the Grid and do not start reporting service on the member, lease history for this member is not captured in the DHCP Lease History report. You can view lease history for this member in the Data Management tab -> DHCP tab -> Leases tab.

The default dashboard displays the following information in table format:

  • Time: The timestamp when the lease information was updated.
  • Members: The DHCP member that granted the lease.
  • Member IP: The IP address of the DHCP member that granted the lease.
  • Lease IP: The IP address of the lease. You can click the lease IP address to view login details of the user. For information about User History for Lease IP sub-report, see User History for Lease IP. You can also view subscription data for the selected lease IP. For information, see Subscription Data.
  • Protocol: Indicates whether the lease is for an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • Action: The status of the lease. This can be one of the following: Issued, Renewed, Freed, or Abandoned.
  • Hostname: The host name that the DHCP client sent to the appliance using DHCP option 12.
  • MAC/DUID: For an IPv4 address, this is the MAC address of the lease. For an IPv6 address, this is the DUID (DHCP Unique Identifier) of the DHCP client that received the lease.
  • Lease Time: The lease time of the DHCP client.


    Some of the options in the Lease Time filter might not display any data.

  • Lease Start: The start date of the lease.
  • Lease End: The end date of the lease.
  • Fingerprint: The name of the DHCP fingerprint or vendor ID of the leased client that was identified through DHCP fingerprint detection. This field displays No Match for devices that do not match the filter criteria and those that do not have any DHCP fingerprint information. For information about DHCP fingerprints, see About DHCP Fingerprints.
  • Component Name: The name of the device.
  • Component Port: The port or interface connected to the device.
  • Device Class: Filter by the device category to which the leased client belongs.

DHCP Message Rate Trend

The DHCP Message Rate Trend dashboard provides the overall DHCP message rate trends for DHCP message types in a given time frame. The default dashboard displays the actual, maximum, average, and minimum rate trends in the last 24 hours for the following message types: DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPOFFER, DHCPREQUEST, and DHCPACK.
This dashboard displays the following information:

  • Time: The timestamp of the event.
  • DHCPDISCOVER: The actual rate trend of the DHCPDISCOVER messages.
  • DHCPOFFER: The actual rate trend of the DHCPOFFER messages.
  • DHCPREQUEST: The actual rate trend of the DHCPREQUEST messages.
  • DHCPACK: The actual rate trend of the DHCPACK messages. Each of the line graphs is represented with a different color.

DHCP Top Lease Clients

The DHCP Top Lease Clients dashboard provides information about the DHCP clients that have issued, renewed, and freed within a certain time frame.
This dashboard shows the following information:

  • MAC/DUID: The MAC address or DUID of the DHCP client.
  • Issued: The total number of DHCP lease issued.
  • Renewed: The number of DHCP lease renewals.
  • Freed: The number of leases that were released.
  • MAC/DUID Total: The total number of DHCP leases that were being requested, renewed, and released.
  • Fingerprint: The name of the DHCP fingerprint or vendor ID of the leased client that was identified through DHCP fingerprint detection. This field displays No Match for devices that do not match the filter criteria and those that do not have any DHCP fingerprint information. For information about DHCP fingerprints, see About DHCP Fingerprints.

DHCP LPS Usage Report

The DHCP LPS Usage Report dashboard lets the administrator view the five-day rolling average for the total peak DHCP leases per second (LPS) calculated for all members in the grid. The peak DHCP LPS is calculated as maximum per day of average LPS calculated for 10-minute intervals. The LPS calculation includes both leased and renewed actions.

This dashboard displays the following information in either line chart or table format. The line chart displays the five-day average for total peak DHCP leases per second for all members in the Grid. 

  • Show Filters: Click Show Filters to enable the filters.
  • Time: Select a value from the drop-down list. The default value is Last 30 days.
  • Line Chart: Click Line Chart to view the data in line chart format.
  • Table: Click Table to view the data in table format.
  • Both: Click Both to view the data in both line chart and table format.

The rows in the table display the following:

  • Date
  • Peak LPS: Maximum per day of average leases per second calculated for 10-minute intervals.
  • 5-Day Average Peak LPS: The five-day rolling average peak leases per second.

Email alerts can be configured to generate reports that contain monthly and quarterly data for Infoblox managed DDI services. The alerts are disabled by default and you have to manually enable them. For more information, see About Alerts. You also have to manually configure the DHCP Usage Report, End Customer Name, and Grid License UID fields in the email message body.

The email message contains a CSV file as an attachment. The CSV file has one row per day for the billing time period and includes the following columns in each row:

  • Date
  • Peak LPS: Maximum per day of average queries per second calculated for 10-minute intervals.
  • 5-Day Average Peak LPS: The five-day rolling average peak leases per second.

You must enable the following alerts to generate the email report for billing:

  • ib-simplified-dhcp-usage-report-per-month
  • ib-simplified-dhcp-usage-report-per-quarter

DHCPv4 Range Utilization Trend

The DHCPv4 Range Utilization Trend dashboard provides DHCP usage trends for the top five most utilized address ranges in a given time frame. The default dashboard includes the top five most utilized DHCP ranges among all network views, all members, all subnets, and all IPv4 addresses.
The default dashboard displays line graphs for the top five most utilized address ranges and shows their DHCPv4 usage trends over the last 24 hours. Each of the five address ranges is represented with a different color line graph.

DHCPv4 Usage Statistics

The DHCPv4 Usage Statistics dashboard provides the overall DHCPv4 usage in a given time frame. The default dashboard includes all network views, all members, all subnets, all IPv4 addresses, and all DHCP ranges, and the default time frame is the last hour. The table is sorted by DHCP utilization rate.
This dashboard displays the following information in table format:

  • Timestamps: The date and time of the event.
  • Network View: Filter by a specific network view.
  • Network: The network address.
  • CIDR: The subnet mask in CIDR format.
  • AD Site: The Active Directory Site associated with the network. For networks that are not associated with Active Directory Domains and Sites, or when you delete an Active Directory server, the appliance displays no_value in this column.
  • DHCPv4 Utilization: The percentage of DHCP address in use over the total number of DHCP addresses provisioned.
  • Ranges: The total number of IP address ranges in the network.
  • Provisioned: The total number of DHCP addresses configured.
  • Dynamic: The number of dynamic DHCP leases issued.
  • Static: The number of static DHCP addresses configured.
  • Free: The number of free DHCP addresses.
  • Used: The total number of DHCP addresses in use.

DHCPv4 Usage Trend

The DHCPv4 Usage Trend dashboard provides the overall DHCP usage trend for all members in a given time frame. The default dashboard includes information about all DHCP ranges in all network views, all members, all subnets, and all IPv4 addresses. It displays line graphs for the dynamic, static, and free DHCPv4 leases and shows their DHCPv4 usage trends over the last 24 hours. Each of the DHCPv4 leases is represented with a different color line graph.
This dashboard displays the following information:

  • Time: The timestamp of the event.
  • Dynamic: The number of dynamic DHCP leases issued.
  • Static: The number of static DHCP addresses configured.
  • Free: The number of free DHCP addresses.

Each of the line graphs is represented with a different color.
When you select more than one member as the filter criteria, the dashboard displays line graphs for each of the following data: Dynamic, Static, and Free, for each selected member.
Microsoft Servers: Specify Microsoft servers assigned to networks and DHCP ranges. This filter is available even if no MS Management license installed on GM and Grid members.

Top Device Classes

The Top Device Classes dashboard lists the top DHCP fingerprint device class for requesting clients. The default dashboard displays the top 10 device classes along with the percentage of leased devices within the last 24 hours. The appliance lists the top detected device class in table format. You can click a specific row in the table to view all the devices in the class that belong to the selected device class. GUI displays the fingerprints that are detected under a selected device class. The total number of fingerprints of a specific device class is equal to the total number that is displayed against the corresponding device class.
This dashboard displays a table that contains the following information for each top DHCP fingerprint device class:

  • Device Class: The device category or fingerprint class for the requesting clients.
  • Total: The total number of leased clients that belong to this DHCP fingerprint class.
  • % of all devices: The percentage of the leased clients belonging to this DHCP fingerprint class over the total number of requesting clients.

Top Devices Denied an IP Address

The Top Devices Denied an IP Address dashboard lists the top DHCP fingerprint devices used by remote clients that were denied a lease or an IP address based on the fingerprint filter criteria you specified. The default dashboard displays the top 10 devices per combination of fingerprint and network which were denied an IP address within the last 24 hours. For example, if the same device is denied from two separate networks during the past 24 hours, and/or with different fingerprints, then multiple events will be listed in the table corresponding to this device. 
This dashboard displays a table that contains the following information for each denied DHCP fingerprint device class:

  • Mac/DUID: The Mac address or DUID of the client's device.
  • Fingerprint: The fingerprint description of the device used by remote clients.
  • Device Class: The DHCP fingerprint class of the device used by remote clients.
  • Network: The network to which the DHCP range belongs. For shared network, the network is the first network where the lease is prohibited due to fingerprint filter.
  • Attempts: The total number of attempts by remote clients for an IP address in a given time frame.
  • Last Attempt: The time stamp of the last attempt by remote client for an IP address in a given time frame.

Top Devices Identified

The Top Devices Identified dashboard lists the top DHCP fingerprints or detected operating systems for requesting clients. The appliance uses DHCP fingerprint detection to identify the operating systems or vendor IDs of remote clients. For more information about DHCP fingerprint detection, see DHCP Fingerprint Detection. The default dashboard displays the top 10 operating systems on which requesting clients are running within the last 24 hours.
The appliance lists the top detected operating systems or vendor IDs in table format. This dashboard shows the total number of different MAC devices that have requested a lease. You can click a specific row in the table to view a list of leased clients that belong to the selected operating system or device type. Grid Manager displays another report that specifies more detailed information, such as the leased IPs and MAC addresses for each device that matches the selected DHCP fingerprint. The lease history for a fingerprint shows all the lease events that occurred during the time period specified with the parent search (Top Devices Identified report). It represents the number of devices that use the MAC/DUID as the unique identifier. Note that a single MAC address may have several lease events that occur within the specified time range for the parent search. Hence, the total number of each fingerprint will not be equal to the lease history of a fingerprint.


You can use all available filters for the parent Top Devices Identified report, but you can filter the detailed report using only the Fingerprint column.

This dashboard displays a table that contains the following information for each top DHCP fingerprint:

  • Fingerprint: The name of the DHCP fingerprint or vendor ID for the requesting clients.
  • Total: The total number of leased clients that belong to this DHCP fingerprint.
  • % of all devices: The percentage of the leased clients belonging to this DHCP fingerprint over the total number of requesting clients.