Supported Reporting Appliances and Storage Space
Infoblox provides several reporting appliances to address different reporting requirements. The Report Categories, Related Data Sources, and Update Frequencies table lists the supported Trinzic Reporting platforms based on IP capacities and average DHCP leases and DNS queries per second, see Configuring Reporting Clustering. There will be an impact on the performance of your reporting server when you perform many searches, download PDF reports, and send reports through emails and alerts. It is important to consider the reporting server configuration and make sure that it can handle the overall workload. A reporting appliance uses up to 95% of the total reporting disk space. The usable hard disk space on different appliance models is shown in the table below.
Infoblox Reporting Appliances and their Usable Reporting Hard Disk Space
| Reporting Hard Disk Space | Usable Reporting Hard Disk Space (GB) |
Trinzic Reporting 5005 Appliance (User-configurable) | IB-V5005 | User-defined hard disk space | User-defined hard disk space | |
Very Large enterprises Service providers - Trinzic Reporting 4000 Appliance | IB-4000 (8x300GB HDD) | 1555 GB | 1477 | 20 GB |
IB-VM-4000 | 1500 GB | 1477 | 20 GB | |
Large enterprises | IB-2205 | 2400 GB | 1657 | 10 GB |
IB-2200-R2 (1000GB HDD) | 1745 GB | 1657 | 10 GB | |
IB-2200-R1 (600GB HDD) | 924 GB | 877 | 10 GB | |
Mid-size Enterprises - Trinzic Reporting 1400 Appliance | IB-1405 | 1200 GB | 1140 | 5 GB |
IB-1400-R2 (1000GB HDD) | 833 GB | 791 | 5 GB | |
IB-1400-R1 (600GB HDD) | 468 GB | 444 | 5 GB | |
IB-VM-1400 | 500 GB | 475 | 5 GB | |
Mid-size Enterprises - Trinzic Reporting 800 Appliance | IB-805 | 1000 GB | 950 | 5 GB |
IB-800 | 378 GB | 359 | 2 GB | |
IB-800 | 378 GB | 359 | 1 GB | |
IB-VM-800 | 250 GB | 237 | 2 GB | |
IB-VM-800 | 250 GB | 237 | 1GB | |
Mid-size Enterprises - Trinzic Reporting VM-800 (virtual appliance) Hyper-V** | IB-VM-800 Hyper-V** | 250 GB | 237 | 2 GB |
IB-VM-800 Hyper-V** | 250 GB | 237 | 1 GB |
The daily maximum data consumption includes all DNS, DDNS, IPAM, DHCP, Discovery, and system traffic or events from all members with data transmission enabled within the Grid. When data traffic exceeds the daily maximum, the reporting server sends an SNMP trap and email notification, if configured. After five (5) daily maximum warnings in a rolling period of 30 days, you cannot perform any reporting related functions. You must then contact Infoblox Technical Support to resolve the issue. Note that the reporting server continues to process incoming data during the violation state. However, you cannot view any reports or manage any reporting related functions until you fix the violation issue.
**support for Reporting appliance models IB-VM-800, IB-VM-1400 starts from Microsoft Windows 2012 R2. Appliance model IB-VM-800 and IB-VM-1400 (Reporting) is supported for Microsoft Windows 2012 R2.
For information about the Trinzic Reporting platforms, their specifications, and how to install them as reporting appliances, refer to the respective installation guides, available on the Infoblox Support site.