DHCP Failover Association
Field Name | Data Type | Required (Yes/No) | Associated GUI Field | Associated PAPI Method | Usage and Guidelines |
Header-DhcpFailoverAssoc | String | Yes | Identifies the first row as a header row for the DHCP failover association. Example: DhcpFailoverAssoc. | ||
name | String | Yes | Name | name | Indicates the name of the DHCP failover association. Example: dhcp_fo_assoc1. |
_new_name | String | No | Add this field to overwrite the name field when you select the Overwrite or Merge option. | ||
comment | String | No | Comment | comment | Example: DHCP Failover Association. |
primary_server_type | String | Yes | Indicates whether the primary server of the name server group is set to Grid or External. Example: GRID | ||
grid_primary | String | No | Grid Primary | primary | Indicates the name of the Grid primary. Example: infoblox.localdomain |
external_primary | IP address | No | External Primary | primary | Indicates the IP address. Example: |
secondary_server_type | String | Yes | Indicates whether the secondary server of the name server group is set to Grid or External. Example: External | ||
grid_secondary | String | No | Grid Secondary | secondary | Indicates the name of the Grid secondary. Example: infoblox2.localdomain |
external_secondary | IP address | No | External Secondary | secondary | Indicates the IP address. Example: |
failover_port | Unsigned integer | No | Indicates the failover port number. The default value is 647. The port number must be between 1 and 63999. | ||
max_response_delay | Unsigned integer | No | max_response_delay | Indicates the maximum response delay value of a DHCP failover object. Default value is 60 seconds and the minimum value is one second. | |
max_unacked_updates | Unsigned integer | No | max_unacked_ updates | Indicates the maximum number of unacked updates value of a DHCP failover object. Default value is10 minutes and the minimum value is one second. | |
mclt | Unsigned integer | No | max_client_lead_ time | Indicates the maximum client lead time value of a DHCP failover object. Specify the value of the maximum client lead time in a 32-bit integer format (range from 0 to 4294967295) that represents the duration in seconds. The default value is 3600. | |
max_load_balance_delay | Unsigned integer | No | max_load_balance_delay | Indicates the maximum load balancing delay value of a DHCP failover object. Specify the value of the maximum load balancing delay in a 32-bit integer format (range from 0 to 4294967295) that represents the duration in seconds. The default value is three seconds. | |
load_balance_split | Unsigned integer | No | load_balance_split | Indicates the load balancing split value of a DHCP failover object. Specify a value from zero to 255. The default value is 128. | |
recycle_leases | Boolean | No | Lease Deletion | recycle_leases | This field is set to True by default. When you set this to True, leases in a deleted range are kept until expiration. Ensure that you use the Overwrite option if you want to change the value to False. |
EA-Site | String | No | Extensible attribute | extensible_attributes | EA-Site is an example of a predefined extensible attribute. You can add other predefined attributes to the data file. Example: California. |
EA-Users | String | No | Extensible attribute | extensible_attributes | EA-Users is an example of a user defined attribute. You can add other user defined attributes to the data file. Example: John. |
Grid Member
Field Name | Data Type | Required (Yes/No) | Associated GUI Field | Associated PAPI Method | Usage and Guidelines |
Header-Member | String | Yes | Identifies the first row as a header row for the member objects. Example: Member | ||
_new_name | FQDN | No | Add this field to overwrite the name field when you select the Overwrite or Merge option. | ||
comment | String | No | Comment | comment | Example: This is a Grid member. |
enable_ha | Boolean | No | enable_ha | Enable or disable HA. This is True if HA is enabled. Example: False | |
ha_nodes | String | No | Indicates the list of ha_status, or public_ip_address, or ipv6_public_ip_address, or ha_ip_address. Example: ACTIVE/, PASSIVE/ | ||
vpn_mtu | Unsigned integer | No | vpn_mtu | Indicates maximum transmission unit of the VPN. Example: 1450 | |
ipv4addr | String | Yes (Insert) | IP Address | ipv4addr | Indicates IPv4 address.Example: |
mask | String | Yes (Insert) | mask | Indicates the netmask. Example: Note that you must specify this column in the CSV file when you perform a CSV Import Insert operation. | |
gateway | String | Yes (Insert) | gateway | Indicates the gateway address. Example: | |
vlan_id | Unsigned integer | No | VLAN Id for LAN1 and LAN2 address. Example: 10 | ||
ipv6addr | String | No | IP Address | ipv6addr | Indicates IPv6 address. Example: 2001::10 |
ipv6_cidr | Unsigned integer | No | ipv6_cidr | The CIDR of the Grid member. This is required only when ipv6addr is specified.Example: 64 | |
ipv6_enable_auto_config | Boolean | No | ipv6_enable_ auto_config | Enable or disable IPv6 auto-configuration of the Grid member. Example: False | |
ipv6_gateway | String | No | ipv6_gateway | The LAN IPv6 gateway of the Grid member. Example: 2001::1 | |
ipv6_vlan_id | Unsigned integer | No | The IPv6 VLAN ID of a Grid member. Example: 10 | ||
nic_failover_enabled | Boolean | No | nic_failover_enabled | Set or deactivate the nic_failover_enabled flag of a Grid member. This is required only when the member is a single appliance. To enable this flag, you must set the lan2_port flag to True. Example: False | |
lan2_enabled | Boolean | No | Enable or disable LAN2.Example: False | ||
lan2_ipv4addr | String | No | lan2_ipv4addr | The LAN IP address of the LAN2 port. To configure the LAN2 port, you must set the lan2_port flag to True. Example: | |
lan2_mask | String | No | lan2_mask | The netmask of the LAN2 port. To configure the LAN2 port, you must set the lan2_port flag to True. Example: | |
lan2_ipv6addr | String | No | The LAN IPv6 address of the LAN2 port. To configure the LAN2 port, you must set the lan2_port flag to True. Example: 2001::20 | ||
lan2_vlan_id | Unsigned integer | No | The VLAN ID of the IPv4 LAN2 port. To configure the LAN2 port, you must set the lan2_port flag to True. Example: 10 | ||
lan2_dscp | Unsigned integer | No | The DSCP value of the IPv4 LAN2 port. Valid values are integers between zero and 63. Example: 15 | ||
lan2_gateway | String | No | lan2_gateway | The gateway IP address of the LAN2 port. To configure the LAN2 port, you must set the lan2_port flag to True. Example: | |
lan2_ipv6_cidr | Unsigned integer | No | lan2_ipv6_cidr | The CIDR of the LAN2 port. To configure the LAN2 port, you must set the lan2_port flag to True. Example: 64 | |
lan2_ipv6_dscp | Unsigned integer | No | The DSCP value of the IPv6 LAN2 port. Valid values are integers between zero and 63. Example: 15Example: 0 | ||
lan2_ipv6_enable | Boolean | No | lan2_ipv6_ enable | Enable or disable IPv6 configuration of the LAN2 interface. Example: False | |
lan2_ipv6_enable_auto_config | Boolean | No | lan2_ipv6_enable_auto_config | Enable or disable IPv6 auto-configuration of the LAN2 interface.Example: False | |
lan2_ipv6_gateway | String | No | lan2_ipv6_ gateway | The LAN IPv6 gateway of the LAN2 port. To configure the LAN2 port, you must set the lan2_port flag to True. Example: 2001::1 | |
lan2_ipv6_vlan_id | Unsigned integer | No | The VLAN ID of the IPv6 LAN2 port. To configure the LAN2 port, you must set the lan2_port flag to True.Example: 20 | ||
nat_enabled | Boolean | No | nat_enabled | Specify True to enable the NAT compatibility setting or False to disable it. Example: False | |
nat_group | String | No | nat_group | The NAT group of a Grid member. This is required only when NAT compatibility is enabled. Example: group1/comm1,group2/comm2 | |
nat_ip_address | String | No | The NAT IP address of a Grid member. Required only when NAT compatibility is enabled. Example: | ||
static_routes | List of IPv4 static routes | No | static_routes | This list contains the static routes of a Grid member. The valid format is: address/subnet_mask/gateway. | |
ipv6_static_routes | List of IPv6 static routes | No | ipv6_static_ routes | This list contains the IPv6 static routes of a Grid member. The valid format is: address/cidr/gateway. Example: 2001::10/64/2001::1 | |
remote_console_access | Boolean | No | use_remote_ console_ access | Enable or disable remote console access. When you enable remote console access, a client can access the device using a Secure Shell (SSH) connection. Example: False | |
support_access | Boolean | No | use_support_ access | Specify True to set the remote_console_access flag or False to deactivate it.Default value is True. | |
enable_query | Boolean | No | Example: False | ||
query_comm_string | String | No | Indicates the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) community string that management systems must send together with their queries to the Infoblox appliance. If this is set to undef, SNMP queries will be disabled. | ||
enable_snmpv3_query | Boolean | No | enable_ snmpv3_query | Enable or disable SNMPv3 queries. Example: False | |
enable_traps | Boolean | No | Enable or disable traps. Example: False | ||
trap_comm_string | String | No | The SNMP trap community string of the Grid member. Default value is undef. | ||
enable_snmpv3_traps | Boolean | No | Enable or disable SNMPv3 traps. Example: False | ||
snmp_admin | String | No | Set or retrieve the SNMP admin object. Example: sysname/syscontact/syslocation/ sysdescr | ||
snmpv3_query_users | String | No | Indicates the SNMPv3 user setting at the Grid level. Example: snmpv3User/comment | ||
trap_receiver | String | No | Indicates the SNMP trap receivers of a Grid member. Example: | ||
additional_ip_list | String | No | additional_ip_list | Indicates the additional IP list of a Grid member. This list contains additional interface information that can be used on the member level.The valid format is: interfaceType/networkSetting/comment/ ospf/anycast/bgp | |
enable_member_redirect | Boolean | No | enable_ member_redirect | Set or retrieve the flag that specifies if GUI redirection is enabled for members. | |
virtual_router_id | Integer | No | Indicates virtual router identifier. Example:110 | ||
dscp | Unassigned integer | No | dscp | Indicates the DSCP value. The default value is zero. | |
EA-Site | String | No | Extensible attribute | extensible_ attributes | EA-Site is an example of a predefined extensible attribute. You can add other predefined attributes to the data file. Example: California |
EA-Users | String | No | Extensible attribute | extensible_ attributes | EA-Users is an example of a user defined attribute. You can add other user defined attributes to the data file. Example: John |
ADMGRP-XXXX | String | No | Permissions Admin Group/Role | permission | ADMGRP-JimSmith is an example of an admin permission of a specific admin group. Example: RW |