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Using the bloxTools Environment

Complete the following tasks to upload custom applications to the bloxTools environment:

  1. Log in to the appliance as a superuser and configure the bloxTools service, as described in Configuring the Service below.

  2. Use an FTP or a SFTP client to upload content to the bloxTools environment.

In addition, you can schedule tasks as described in Scheduling Tasks below, and monitor the bloxTools service as described in Monitoring the Service.

WARNING: Resetting the Grid member using either the reset all or reset database CLI commands permanently deletes the content you uploaded to the bloxTools environment. Infoblox recommends that you backup the appliance before using any of these commands.

Configuring the Service

When you configure the bloxTools service, you can enable FTP, SFTP, and HTTPS, and set their operational parameters. FTP and SFTP are the services you use to upload data. You can disable these services when they are not in use. HTTPS must remain enabled to allow the web based bloxTools applications to run. Note that the bloxTools service uses the same SSL certificate as the host Infoblox appliance. For information on certificates, see Managing Certificates.
You can configure the bloxTools service on port 443, 444 or on a port between 1024 to 63999. You can also enable HTTP to HTTPS redirection for the bloxTools service from the default HTTP port 80 to any specified HTTPS port. When you enable HTTP to HTTPS redirection, all the requests sent to the HTTP port are redirected to the HTTPS port configured for the bloxTools service. By default, NIOS appliance does not redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS.


When you redirect HTTP to HTTPS, the connection is not as secure as compared to connecting directly through HTTPS.

Note the following when you configure the bloxTools service on port 443:

  • HTTP to HTTPS redirection from Grid member to Grid Master is disabled.

  • HTTP file distribution service is not allowed.

In previous NIOS releases, you could run the bloxTools service on a Grid Master or a Grid Master candidate. If you have not removed the bloxTools service from a member before you upgrade, you cannot configure the bloxTools service on port 443 until you move the bloxTools service to an upgraded Grid member. For information, see Moving the bloxTools Service.
To configure the bloxTools service:

  1. Log in as a superuser.

  2. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click bloxTools. In the Services tab, click Edit -> Grid bloxTools Properties from the Toolbar.

  3. In the Grid bloxTools Properties editor, complete the following:

    • Enable Web Service: Select HTTPS Port to enable users to access the applications through an HTTPS connection. The default port is 444. You can change the default HTTPS port to 443 or to a port between 1024 to 63999.

    • Redirect Bloxtools HTTP to HTTPS: Select this checkbox to enable redirection from the default HTTP port to the HTTPS port. The default HTTP port is 80. This is disabled by default.

    • Enable FTP Service: Select FTP Port to enable the FTP service. The default port is 26. You can change the port number to suit your environment.

    • Enable SFTP Service: Select SFTP Port to enable the SFTP service for secure file transfer. The default port is 28. You can change the port to a number between 1024 and 63999, provided that the port is not currently used for another purpose.

    • Login: Enter the username for the FTP and SFTP services. The username can contain lower case letters, numbers, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($), and it must begin with a letter, not a number.

    • Set Password: Enter the password for the FTP and SFTP services in this field.

    • Retype Password: Enter the same password.

    Note that the password is sent as clear text when you use the FTP service. To maintain security on the Infoblox appliance, this password should be different from the password set for the Infoblox appliance.

  4. Save the configuration and click Restart if it appears at the top of the screen.

When you configure the bloxTools service on an independent appliance, you can configure the allocated memory in the System bloxTools Properties editor. For information, see Allocating Memory below.

Allocating Memory

You can configure the memory you want to allocate to the bloxTools service. You must configure this at the member level. If you run the bloxTools service on an independent appliance, you can configure the allocated memory in the System bloxTools Properties editor.
To configure the allocated memory:

  1. Log in as a superuser.

  2. From the Grid tab, select the GridManager tab, and then click bloxTools. In the Services tab, click Edit -> MemberbloxToolsProperties from the Toolbar.

  3. In the MemberbloxToolsProperties editor, complete the following:

  • Allocated Memory (MB): The service "borrows" host resources such as CPU, memory, and disk space from the host Infoblox appliance. The default amount of memory the appliance allocates for the bloxTools environment is 256 MB. You can change this allocation, depending on the appliance platform. See System Requirements for the requirements and allowed values of each appliance.

Uploading Files

Use an FTP or a SFTP client to upload content, such as Perl modules, JavaScript files, PHP files, CGI files, and image files, to the bloxTools environment. You can upload a maximum of 4 GB of data. After you have uploaded content to your bloxTools environment, you should disable the FTP and SFTP services to prevent unauthorized or accidental changes.
To upload files using the FTP service:

  1. Open an Internet browser window and log in to the FTP service by entering:
    For example, if the IP address of the Grid member is and the FTP port number is 26, enter:

  2. In the Authentication Required dialog box, enter the username and password. This is the username and password you entered for the FTP service in the bloxTools Environment editor on the appliance.

  3. Follow the instructions provided by your FTP client to upload the files.

 To upload files using the SFTP service:

  1. Open a terminal window and log in to the SFTP service by entering:
    sftp -oPort=sftp_port sftp_user@Grid_member_ip_addr
    For example, if the IP address of the Grid member is, the login username for the SFTP service is jdoe, and the SFTP port number is 28, enter:
    sftp -oPort=28 jdoe@

  2. Enter the password. This is the password you entered for the SFTP service in the bloxTools Environment editor on the appliance.

  3. Follow the instructions provided by your SFTP client to upload the files.


On a computer running Microsoft Windows, you can use WinSCP as the FTP or SFTP client for uploading files. The bloxTools environment stores the uploaded data in the /portal directory.

Scheduling Tasks

bloxTools includes support for the Perl module Config::Crontab so you can manage scheduler services. You can use the scheduler to execute commands in the future. You can also schedule recurring commands. For example, you can schedule the creation of a host record or schedule recurring reports. The scheduler allows default "user level" crontab access and you can use the user account 'nobody' to submit commands. The Grid Master replicates the crontab data to the Master Candidates.

Moving the bloxTools Service

In a Grid, you can move the bloxTools service from one Grid member to another. When you move the bloxTools service, the source member synchronizes data with the Grid Master, and the Grid Master synchronizes data with the destination member. The time to resynchronize the bloxTools data on to the destination member depends on the amount of data to synchronize and the Grid configuration. If the migration takes longer than two minutes, it becomes a long running task. This allows the move of the bloxTools service to run in the background while you perform other tasks. Note that on an independent appliance, you cannot move the bloxTools service to another member.
After an upgrade from previous NIOS releases, Grid Manager displays a warning message in the system message panel if you have previously configured to run the bloxTools service on the Grid Master. You can click Move in this panel to launch the Move bloxTools dialog box to move the bloxTools service to a Grid member.
To move the bloxTools Service:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab -> Members tab, and then click bloxTools -> Move from the Toolbar.

  2. In the Move bloxTools dialog box, complete the following:

    • Source Member: Displays the name of the Grid member that is currently running the bloxTools service. You cannot modify this field.

    • Destination Member: Click Select. In the Member Selector dialog box, select the member to which you want to move the bloxTools service. Grid Manager displays the name of the selected member here.

  3. Click Move.

The appliance synchronizes data with the Grid Master, and the Grid Master synchronizes data with the destination member. This may take a while to complete depending on your Grid configuration and the amount of data.